It's difficult without seeing an actual sample and knowing whether you want the name to always appear in the same cell on each sheet and knowing whether the names on your school list are in the same order as the sheets themselves, i.e. Sheet2 is School 2, Sheet3 is School 3 and so on, but you could try the following, assuming your School Names currently appear in Sheet1, column A.
Insert a column before your School Names list so that your school names appear in column B to give you something resembling this...
Print the names of all your worksheets in column A using this macro
Sub SheetNames()
For i = 2 To Sheets.Count
Cells(i, 1) = Sheets(i).Name
Next i
End Sub
to give you something like this...
Assuming the sheet containing your school names is called 'School Names' (change to your actual sheet name in the formula below) and you want the name of the school to appear in cell A1 on each sheet (adjust to the appropriate cell reference in the formula if not). Select the second tab in your Workbook, hold the Shift key down and then select the last tab in your workbook so you have all 275 sheets selected. Click in cell A1 (or whichever cell you want the School Names to appear in) and paste this formula and hit Enter.
=VLOOKUP(REPLACE(CELL("filename",A1),1,FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1)),""),'School Names'!$A$2:$B$276,2,FALSE)
and see if that gives you what you need. If not perhaps you can upload a sample...