
I am looking to conditionally format a number of cells, B1:B3. I need these to go either Red, Amber of Green dependent on the what is entered into these cells but based on a target cell, B4. This though is dependent on what text is in A1.

As an example;

If A1 = Ford then the target in B4 would be 100. This target though is subject to change based on what is in A1.

If A1 = Ford and B1 was within 5% of B4 (either greater or less) then this would turn the cell green.
If A1 = Ford and B1 was greater than 5% or more of B4 then this would turn the cell red.
If A1 = Ford and B1 was less than 5% or more of B4 then this would turn the cell amber.

Does this help or am I not explaining this correctly?

Any help appreciated, thanks.