I have some questions regarding abnormal returns?
I studied in theory that
=>Abnormal Return = Stock Return - Market Return
=> Test of Abnormal return is AR t test
=> Comapnies in analysis are 40 and years are 10 by using daily share price then what is the data type?
panel or cros-sectional?
=> Is regression analysis not a good measure between abnormal return (dependnet variable) and market return ( independnet vaiable) for finding t test / R / R-squred for seprate comapnies?
how i will find t-test for abnormal return, average abnormal Returns and Cumulative Average Abnormal Returns (CAAR)?
What is null and alternative hypothesis of AR of IBM, HP, DELL and S&P500 index?
Is market model is separtely used for abnormal return?
please help me send me you demo or excel example on
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