Hi, welcome to the forum.
If I understand you correctly, you want to be able to enter a percentage chance of each horse winning, then have a formula which generates a winner, which changes whenever you update the chances?
This will do something like it:
1. Put your horse names in column A - Horse1, Horse2,..., Horse8.
2. Enter probabilities into column B - lets say 10,50,70,25,30,80,65,35
3. In C1, enter this:
then drag that down to C8. This will generate a random number from 10 lower than the number you entered in B to 10 higher - so 50 could become anything from 40 to 60.
4. In D1, enter this:
This will check which of the randomly generated numbers is highest and give you the name of the horse that matches.
The bigger the 'difference' you provide in step 2 (changing B1-10,B1+10 to B1-20,B1+20 for example), the more random the final result will be. The formula in step 2 won't ever return a negative number.
Every time you change something on the sheet, the formulae will update - if you want to re-run it without changing any of your numbers, press F9 to manually re-calculate.
If your problem is solved, please go to 'Thread Tools' above your first post and 'Mark Thread as Solved'.
You don't need to give me rep if I helped, but thanks are appreciated.