Hi there, I hope someone can help with the following.

I have a spreadsheet setup where certain fields have links setup so that the data within them automatically transfers to a Powerpoint presentation. I would like to know :

1. how I can link an image to a certain phrase
2. create a link so that when the phrase is entered in Exel, it corresponds to the relevant image
3. the image then appears in my Powerpoint

For example, in Exel you have a drop down menu.
The options are Coca Cola, Sprite, Tango
You also have the logo's of each of the company's copied into Exel
When you select "Coca Cola" from the drop down menu, I require Exel to pick the Coca Cola logo and transfer it to Powerpoint.

This is my first time on a forum, I hope I've explained my question well enough to understand!

I would greatly appreciate any help