Hello all,
Thanks in advance for taking the time to help with my issue.
I have a work sheet with two dates listed
A1 = 08/17/2015 (Display is listed as custom text - Monday, Aug, 17, 2015)
A2 = A1 + 6 (Display listed as custom text - Sunday, Aug 23, 2015)
Further down into the sheet at various other cells I have selected, I have recognized these cells to equal (=) A1 (Display listed as Mon Aug 17). Cells immediately to the right of these cells have a formula to display the next day and date of the week (Display listed as custom text - Tues Aug 18)
Date - UPPERCASE.jpg
What do I need to do to have the text display in ALL UPPERCASE?
Do I need to change the display in A1? ANd if so how do I go about doing so?
Thanks in advance.