. . . Word recognizes what you are calling a hard return a soft return or line break.
I see . . . that's interesting, thanks! . . . any idea how I could get NPP++ to do the same?
"A soft return or soft wrap is the break resulting from line wrap or word wrap (whether automatic or manual), whereas a hard return or hard wrap is an intentional break, creating a new paragraph."
Another definition . . . http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/S/soft_return.html
. . . you can insert a non-paragraph line break, also known as a soft return, by pressing shift-enter [this doesn't work] . . . http://www.mswordhelp.com/soft-return-in-word/
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keywords: notepad++, plugin, excel hard return to soft return
or: notepad++, plugin, no quotes around hard return
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This page shows the symbols for a
Hard Return (paragaph marks)
and a
Soft Return (manual line breaks)
So the question now is, how do you find one, and replace it with the other? Or, how do I do a soft return (Shift+Enter) within the Excel cell?
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Use Ctrl+F to find hard returns: Alt+0010
Ok, I can find them. Is there an ASCII for Soft Returns? Not that I see.
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Maybe something in this program would work? . . . Save time with ASAP Utilities for Excel “The most popular add-in for Excel users” . . . http://www.asap-utilities.com/
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This looks like a good idea, but doesn't work. Extra characters show up. I'm thinking that I could do this just for the entries that have more than one line:
"Type your title in Microsoft Word with the return. You can then copy and paste it into the Excel cell where you want the 2 separate lines."
How to enter a carriage return in an Excel file . . . http://superuser.com/questions/46128/how-to-enter-a-carriage-return-in-an-excel-file
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Is it impossible to do a soft return within an Excel cell?