Glad to help Lanksout. Definitely an interesting challenge for me.
If this resolves your query, can you please change the thread title to SOLVED by clicking on Thread Tools above your original post and click Mark this thread as solved.
Glad to help Lanksout. Definitely an interesting challenge for me.
If this resolves your query, can you please change the thread title to SOLVED by clicking on Thread Tools above your original post and click Mark this thread as solved.
Yes this is interesting and challenging. Arrived at a different approach.
Row\Col A B C D E 1Start End 2**1/6/2015 1/10/2015 0 0Array-entered C2 : {=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(ROW(INDIRECT($A2&":"&$B2)),IFERROR(ROW(INDIRECT($A1&":"&$B1)),0))=1,1,0))+$C1} 3**1/13/2015 1/20/2015 0 0D2 : =SUM($C$2:$C2) 4**1/12/2015 1/22/2015 7 7 5**1/18/2015 1/25/2015 12 19
Last edited by FlameRetired; 08-09-2015 at 11:38 PM.
Thanks Dave! I will check out this approach.
For now changing the thread to Solved.
I couldn't get the formula to work. Its throwing in a pretty large value (number of days).
I have around 233 rows. I entered the array in row 3 (changed the values accordingly) and copied it down. Row 1 has the table header and the array was giving an error in Row2 (#Value). Also entered SUM function in Row 3 (next column) and copied it down. It didn't work. Hopefully I am doing it right.
I can not say without seeing a small workbook example, but the first row of the formula references row 1 which is understood to have column headers. That is why
is the second argument of the IF function. A #REF! error is anticipated and assigned a 0 value. I don't know where the #Value error is coming from.
Can you upload an actual workbook example --- a small one, but large enough to demonstrate what you are describing?
Oh yes. Are you certain that the dates you are referencing are actual dates and not text that looks like dates? Been there done that.![]()
Last edited by FlameRetired; 08-10-2015 at 01:28 PM. Reason: typos / clarity
Hi Dave,
Please find the attached file. I want to calculate the total duration (counting overlaps only once) without filter and also after filtering by Items column. E.g. select only item 1 and find its duration (counting overlap only once). Hopefully this gives a better picture.
Last edited by lanksout; 08-11-2015 at 12:26 AM.
Hi Quekbc,
I am encountering one issue. The "Not Hidden" column is causing some issues with excel filter.
Please see the attached excel file. I have named "Not Hidden" as Dummy. If I try filtering by Item - e.g. select only Item 1 the filter doesn't work properly. I narrowed the issue down to the "Dummy" column. But don't know how to correct it. The formula works perfectly as long as there is no filter applied.
It would be very helpful if you can suggest a solution.
Attached excel file
Thank You
Late Edit: These results (column G) can't be right. There are only 112 days in the entire range.
I have not checked these results extensively. (I have now.) They are below. Bearing in mind what quekbc observed please check this out. The errors occurred because wrong cell/range references were in the latest upload. What was there pertained to the previous upload. That part has been corrected here, but check the results. Quekbc has a good point and I haven't found a work-around for that yet.
BTW this is without filtering. I am not sure I understand how you want this to behave when filtered.
Row\Col A B C D E F G H 1Buy Date Sell Date Item Buy Price Sell Price Array Duration Column1 2 11/3/2011 11/12/2011Item 1 120.19 115.16 0 0Array enter in F2 :{=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(ROW(INDIRECT($A2&":"&$B2)),IFERROR(ROW(INDIRECT($A1&":"&$B1)),0))=1,1,0))+N($F1)} 3 11/28/2011 12/8/2011Item 2 78 76.52 0 0In G2 :=SUM($F$2:$F2) 4 12/16/2011 12/28/2011Item 3 53.1 53.98 0 0 5 12/20/2011 12/28/2011Item 2 16.87 17.19 9 9 6 12/21/2011 12/28/2011Item 2 47.49 46.97 17 26 7 12/22/2011 12/28/2011Item 1 80.97 81.15 24 50 8 12/22/2011 12/28/2011Item 1 49.66 49.12 31 81 9 12/20/2011 1/11/2012Item 2 82 85.08 37 118 10 12/21/2011 1/12/2012Item 3 68.4 69.79 60 178 11 12/20/2011 1/26/2012Item 3 20.66 22.16 82 260 12 1/17/2012 1/27/2012Item 1 124.62 126.45 93 353 13 1/18/2012 1/30/2012Item 2 71.08 71.14 103 456 14 2/13/2012 2/15/2012Item 1 37.48 36.8 103 559 15 12/22/2011 2/22/2012Item 2 125.27 136.03 105 664
Last edited by FlameRetired; 08-11-2015 at 02:01 AM.
Thanks Dave.
My apologies. I didn't update the references after copy pasting. I will cross check in detail and get back.
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