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Repeat Each Value From Column A X Times Based on Another Count

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hamidxa Repeat Each Value From Column... 07-30-2015, 10:40 AM
WHER Re: Repeat Each Value From... 07-30-2015, 11:07 AM
Tony Valko Re: Repeat Each Value From... 08-04-2015, 09:32 PM
cyiangou Re: Repeat Each Value From... 07-30-2015, 11:21 AM
hamidxa Re: Repeat Each Value From... 08-04-2015, 04:17 PM
  1. #1
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    Repeat Each Value From Column A X Times Based on Another Count

    I would really appreciate some help in trying to figure this out.

    I have a spreadsheet that presently contains 2 columns of data.
    Column A contains one list of unique numbers (that can range from 1 to 10,000)
    Column B contains a group value for those numbers (smaller range of 1 to 100)

    I am looking for a way to repeat each value in Column A based on the number of times their corresponding Col B values appear.
    The results could appear in Col C.

    A | B
    1 | 10
    2 | 10
    3 | 10
    4 | 20
    5 | 20
    6 | 30
    7 | 30
    8 | 30
    9 | 30

    For example, in the table above:
    The value 1 should appear 3 times in Col C (since its associated with the value 10, which appears 3 times)
    The value 2 should appear 3 times in Col C (since its associated with the value 10, which appears 3 times)
    The value 3 should appear 3 times in Col C as well (since its associated with the value 10, which appears 3 times)

    Likewise, the value 4 should appear 2 times in Col C (since its associated with the value 20, which appears 2 times)
    Similarly, the value 8 should appear 4 times in Col C (since its associated with the value 30, which appears 4 times)

    Of course I've left out some of the other numbers in Col A, but I hope this makes sense.

    As you can imagine, these value would get dumped into Col C and the list would be much longer than what appears in either cols A or B as the values in Col A should repeat based on count of times their associated Col B values appear.

    I've also attached a spreadsheet which illustrates the above if it helps!

    Thanks in advance all!
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by hamidxa; 07-30-2015 at 10:43 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Repeat Each Value From Column A X Times Based on Another Count

    See attachment:
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3
    Forum Expert Tony Valko's Avatar
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    Re: Repeat Each Value From Column A X Times Based on Another Count

    Quote Originally Posted by WHER View Post
    See attachment:
    It would help ALL OF US if you were to put your proposed solution into the reply itself and not "hidden" in a file that some may not be able to download.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Repeat Each Value From Column A X Times Based on Another Count

    Below is a vba solution that I posted yesterday to a very similar request to yours.

    Change input and output range parameters as required. You don't need to know how long the result list will be.


    Sub Expand_Click()
        Dim Sht As Excel.Worksheet
        Set Sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        ExpandData Sht.Range("B3:C5"), Sht.Range("B10")
    End Sub
    Public Sub ExpandData(SourceRng As Excel.Range, TargetCell As Excel.Range)
        Dim Sht As Excel.Worksheet
        Dim Arr As Variant
        Dim i As Long, j As Long
        Dim r As Long, c As Long
        r = TargetCell.Row
        c = TargetCell.Column
        Set Sht = SourceRng.Worksheet
        Arr = SourceRng.Value
        For i = LBound(Arr, 1) To UBound(Arr, 1)
            For j = 1 To Arr(i, 2)
                Sht.Cells(r, c + 0).Value = j
                Sht.Cells(r, c + 1).Value = Arr(i, 1)
                Sht.Cells(r, c + 2).Value = Arr(i, 2)
                r = r + 1
            Next j
        Next i
    End Sub

  5. #5
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    Re: Repeat Each Value From Column A X Times Based on Another Count

    Thank you all for your help!

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