Greetings, everyone

I'm starting with excel, and I have a workbook with 3 initial pages(max,medium and min),
which are identical in structure, but with different values, followed by 100 pages, also with different values and same structure.
There are columns in all of these 100 pages that get their values directly from the first page (max).
However, I would like to add a button with a macros that would automatically replace page 1 in this procedure with
page 2, and another button to page 3. And a third button to return to feeding of the 100 sheets with page 1.

For example, cell Di has the formula "='max'!Ci", for i in range 1 to 100. I click the button "min" and it turns the formula to "='min'!Ci".

Sorry for the long text.

Thanks in advance!