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How to add cells just based on their color background?

  1. #1
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    Red face How to add cells just based on their color background?


    I need to know if anyone can help on telling me the formula/Function to add only background coloured cell, ignoring their value in Text/Number, all appart those that have "no fill color".

    Would really appreciated

    Joana M

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor prabhuduraraj09's Avatar
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    Re: How to add cells just based on their color background?


    you must use conditional Formating.
    Are you familiar with conditional formating ?? .

  3. #3
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: How to add cells just based on their color background?

    Hi, welcome to the forum

    Your question needs a bit more detail (for me, anyway)

    Are you asking to sum the values from cells that have a background color applied to them?
    If so, then, sorry, excel cannot "see" color, so unless there is some logic to how the color was applied, then there is no formula that will sum colored cells for you.

    If youi meant that you want to APPLY color to certain cells, then as suggested, you could do that with Conditional Formatting.

    Please explain a bit more what you are trying to do
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  4. #4
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    Re: How to add cells just based on their color background?

    So basically it is true that Excel cannot "Read Background Colored Cells"?

    - I do not know yet Conditional Formating, but I can read about it if it fixes my problem, I already checked it but not sure about the specifics..

    ...But the logic tells me:
    If "yellow=1" + "Red (properly selected in the color panel)"=1 + "Green"=1..
    ...Then 1 Yellow Cell + 5 "Red" Cells + 2 "Green" Cells = 8


    Please advise..
    Many, many thanks in advance !!

  5. #5
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: How to add cells just based on their color background?

    You did not really answer my questions

    Are you asking to sum the values from cells that have a background color applied to them?
    If so, then, sorry, excel cannot "see" color, so unless there is some logic to how the color was applied, then there is no formula that will sum colored cells for you.

    If youi meant that you want to APPLY color to certain cells, then as suggested, you could do that with Conditional Formatting.
    It sounds like you want to add/sum the contents, based on the cell color. If so, like I said, there is no formula to do that.

    What determines the color of a cell? Is it just a color you picked and applied manually?

  6. #6
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    Re: How to add cells just based on their color background?

    Thank you again for your reply, sorry I did not explain well enough...

    I have an excel sheet with reservations for a hotel, a Daily Planning with Room Types on the left and the dates of 1 month above, Ex:
    Dates August 1 2 3 4 5... (each date is a cell)
    Room Type
    Standard Jose (I write thee name on the arrival day and color it according to the Booking Agent as Expedia is blue, Booking is green)
    Deluxe Suite Joana (I color also color with no name all the dates booked for the same reservation, which means I do not rewrite the name again on those celss, I just color them otherwise its too confusing to read. Therefore those cells have just backgr color.

    I would like to know per day how many colored cells I have, which correspond to my total reservations p day, if they have text or not. Otherwise I have to do it by hand everytime I have a new reservation!..

    Maybe its just not possible.. what do you say? I wish I could send you my document so you could see what I mean..

    Thank you again,

    Best regards,

  7. #7
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: How to add cells just based on their color background?

    OK, as I said before, if you just manually apply colors to cells, there is no formula to count color, so perhaps we can come up with another way for this.

    can you upload a small (clean) sample workbook (not a pic) of what you are working with, and what your expected outcome would look like.

  8. #8
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    Talking Re: How to add cells just based on their color background?

    Excel Sheet - Forum Excel - Color background - Riad Occupancy Plan - JM.xlsx

    Hello Dear Wizard FDibbins,

    Forguive me the absence yesterday but I was away from any type on internet connection all day..
    If you do still have the patience.. I am sending you my Excell spreadsheet which I use for the occupancy of my Riad, but would like to be able to use also to account occupancy studies and tendencies, Example:
    - Nš Room per day
    - Nš Rooms per Booking Agent per day
    - % of both of the above
    - And then be able to have a resume of same p/ month and Trimestre

    Thank you again.
    With all my best regards,

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