Basically, I have xml coding written within the cells of a workbook like a text document. For example i have things like <Header> in one cell, </Header> in another below in the same column. It is the written coding. I used a process of information in excel to get the coding into individualized cells like that, but now that the information is all in code, i would like to know how i am supposed to get the code into actual XML form. I have little information "mapping" and apparently my schema has more than one 'root' or something, just to add to the confusion. If i can't export this information as xml from excel, can i at least do it an easier way copying it into someplace other and working with it there. I've never done this before, so i could really use some hand-holding.

In short. Is there a way to get my xml coding (which is written in plain text like it was notepad or something) to convert into an actual XML document?

Thanks to anyone who makes the effort.