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Series formula too long error in VBA charts

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    Series formula too long error in VBA charts


    I have the following data with 23 departments.
    The row one department cells are merged.


    I am trying to make two charts using VBA; one for Actual and one For % of total by the following code. I am getting two graphs until in the For loop of i Column the values do not exceed 35 and 36 respectively in place of 29 and 30 respectively. As I exceed the values 35 and 36 resp, it shows 'Series Formula Too Long' error and the grphs are not plotted. Please tell me why this is happening and what is the solution for the same.

    Sub TwoCharts11()
    Dim rChart1 As Range
    Dim rChart2 As Range
    Dim iColumn As Long
    Dim cht1 As Chart
    Dim cht2 As Chart
    Const StrtRow As Long = 2
    Const EndRow As Long = 6
    With ActiveSheet
    Set rChart1 = .Range(.Cells(StrtRow, "B"), .Cells(EndRow, "B"))
    Set rChart2 = .Range(.Cells(StrtRow, "B"), .Cells(EndRow, "B"))
    For iColumn = 3 To 29 Step 2
    Set rChart1 = Union(rChart1, .Range(.Cells(StrtRow, iColumn), .Cells(EndRow, iColumn)))
    For iColumn = 4 To 30 Step 2
    Set rChart2 = Union(rChart2, .Range(.Cells(StrtRow, iColumn), .Cells(EndRow, iColumn)))
    Set cht1 = .Shapes.AddChart.Chart
    Set cht2 = .Shapes.AddChart.Chart
    With cht1
    .Parent.Left = .Parent.Left - .Parent.Width / 2
    .ChartType = xlColumnClustered
    .SetSourceData rChart1
    End With
    With cht2
    .Parent.Left = .Parent.Left + .Parent.Width / 2
    .ChartType = xlColumnClustered
    .SetSourceData rChart2
    End With
    End With
    End Sub
    Kindly find the image at My data set has 23 pcts and acts.

    I have also posted my question on other forums as follows:
    Last edited by adventurer; 07-03-2015 at 04:17 AM.

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