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Extracting names not present in a sheet

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  1. #1
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    Extracting names not present in a sheet


    I have 2 sheets of data.

    The first one contains a list of names of all employees in our company
    The second contains a list of names of people who have attended training on a specific topic.

    I would like to be able to extract from the 1st sheet the names of people who have NOT attended training, people who are basically not listed in the 2nd sheet. What formula or function should I use for this?


  2. #2
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Extracting names not present in a sheet

    Assuming the lists are in column A on both sheets, with a header row so that the data starts on row 2, you can put this formula in B2 of Sheet1:


    Copy this down as required. You can then use a filter on column B to select all the "absent" names, and maybe copy them to another sheet.

    Hope this helps.


  3. #3
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Extracting names not present in a sheet

    =iferror(if(match(A14,Blad12!$K$1:$K$12,0)>0,""),"not followed the course")

    in which a14 is the list with all employee

    Blad 12!K1:K12 is the list with people who followed the course.
    Notice my main language is not English.

    I appreciate it, if you reply on my solution.

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