Hello everyone,

I am working on an excel file where I have to compare the value in one cell (for example:this is value present in cell F2 "ALUDIUMW156TZ19700970") I have 3000 more entries in the same column (some unique and some duplicate).I want to compare the cell value in F2 to all other cell values in F column and if the cell value in F2 matches with any other cell in column F ,I want to add the values in other column in the same row to the matched cell value.(for example: if the cell value of F2 matches with cell value of F3 and F4 ,I want to add the cell values in I2,I3,I4 and G2,G3,G4 and return the result values to J2 and K2).

Can someone help me with a solution to this problem ?

Best regards,