Thank you for the reply newdoverman, and for your input. I'm sure there is some way to do it, because I've worked with such a system
in the past. Maybe I should explain a bit more, because its not like a first come first serve situation.

I'm definitely going to need a set schedule for the students, but it doesn't necessarily mean they have to attend that time
every week. I just want to be able to have it so that when they miss a lesson, it is recorded but when they attend a lesson,
that missed lesson is taken away. I definitely need to have a weekly schedule for when the students are supposed to have their
usual class. Could it be like an rental-inventory-type setup? I'm seriously clueless
about this so I'm trying my best to explain what I'm trying to do, if its too hard to imagine, I apologize.

In short... students have a scheduled lesson time, and are marked absent if they cant make it, but at any other time that they show up,
that ABSENT point is taken away. Is that a bit clearer, or am I just repeating myself? lol Thank again for the help.