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Formula must produce two positive numbers otherwise an error message

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    Formula must produce two positive numbers otherwise an error message

    Hi there,

    I want to create a spreadsheet where:

    1. Odds -- I enter two lots of 'odds' (can be any odds e.g. odds # 1 $1.50, odds # 2 $2.00)
    2. I want the formula to work out how much money is required to back both odds (e.g. formula works out how much money I must back both odds to make a profit, i.e. 'total money won' minus 'total money down' and if both 'win amounts' are 'positive numbers' (not negative numbers) it means I make profit from backing both bets with the money down the formula has produced).

    If there is a negative number in 1 or more 'win amounts' # 1 or win amount # 2 that means my bet fails and the formula displays 'Error - bet failed'. The formula must produce positive numbers for both bets for a successful bet. (i.e total winnings from both bets must be more than money down for bets # 1 and bets # 2.

    Please see pic for clarification.

    I hope it's not too confusing.


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    Last edited by someguy4321; 06-15-2015 at 04:26 AM.

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