Hello all!
I am not entirely sure what thread this might fall under but I figured that starting here might result in someone pointing me in the right direction.
I am creating a database workbook, and I have many pages that I would like to pull data from to consolidate in a summary of sorts. However, these data pages all have varying amounts of data in multiple entries and no two entries are the same length. Basically, I'm working with data from different screening events where any number of participants are present.
I am hoping to create a separate summary page with some summary data and I am hoping that I can do this in a very particular way. I have summaries already on the data pages but I want them to also be on the summary page. Is there anyway that I can have a reference point column on the summary page where all I need to do is input a reference point cell from a different page and it will correctly pull the data into the summary page? That way, I'm not double entering data? The problem is, I can't give a specific instruction like 'pull data from every 23rd cell down in this column' because all the entries are separate lengths.
I get that it's a bit ridiculous and I would be more than happy to clarify, but I am just wondering if this is a possibility and if so, how to accomplish it.