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I have several fields in which I'd like the values to only include 2 decimal places [...]. However, I am finding that some values seem to be ignoring the "2 decimal places" format, and displaying the entire string of decimal places. [....] Here's an example of one of the formulas:
=IF(C13="Viable", 1, "") & IF(C13="Excluded", 1, "") & IF(AND('Round 1'!$A$4="Surplus", C13="Elected"), D13*'Round 1'!$A$10, "")
The formula returns text. The cell numeric format applies only to numeric results, not to text. Ostensibly, change the formula as follows:
=IF(C13="Viable", 1, "") & IF(C13="Excluded", 1, "")
& IF(AND('Round 1'!$A$4="Surplus", C13="Elected"), TEXT(D13*'Round 1'!$A$10,"0.00"), "")
However, I wonder if the following formula is really what you intended:
=IF(OR(C13="Viable", C13="Excluded"), 1,
IF(AND('Round 1'!$A$4="Surplus", C13="Elected"), D13*'Round 1'!$A$10, ""))
In that case, the cell formula Number with 2 decimal places should do what you want -- as long as 1.00 is okay when C13 is "Viable" or "Excluded".