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Compare Multiple Rows by Individual column across multiple sheets

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  1. #1
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    Compare Multiple Rows by Individual column across multiple sheets


    I'm new here - First post (and a novice at excel) so bear with me if I'm being a little slow with this.

    I have a workbook with 6+ Sheets, and within each sheet multiple rows that contain an area - then in the following columns that area's performance as a percentage (number).

    I would like to create an overall performance table, that will compare all the rows (areas) and utilising an if function (or something like that) only include that row if it's column's value is above a certain threshold,
    this would act as a sort of overall sheet summary. (for example, I know something similar could be achieved in python by iterating over a list, and storing the results in a separate list.)

    Secondly, I would like to have a table that breaks down performance by area (Row) and summarises that area's overall performance (e.g just shows that row's data for each sheet)

    I have no clue how to do this, but would quite like to learn how to. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
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    Re: Compare Multiple Rows by Individual column across multiple sheets


    Please attach excel file, it would be easier for us to understand the query.


  3. #3
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    Re: Compare Multiple Rows by Individual column across multiple sheets

    Here is attached file,

    SWM Analysis .xlsx



  4. #4
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: Compare Multiple Rows by Individual column across multiple sheets

    Why have all those worksheets? Why not combine all the data onto one worksheet?

    Take a look at Sheet1 where I have combined all the data and you can use the filters to draw out the data that you want.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by newdoverman; 05-02-2015 at 11:26 AM.
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    Ron W

  5. #5
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    Re: Compare Multiple Rows by Individual column across multiple sheets

    Your attached file is exactly what I wanted, Thanks!! ( I am new to excel, and had no idea that your solution was possible)

    I had all of those sheets as it made the data entry a fair bit easier, do you have any other recommendations or improvements? (I'll read up on filters in general - they seem useful, thanks! )

  6. #6
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: Compare Multiple Rows by Individual column across multiple sheets

    File SWM Analysis - ndm(2)

    Take a look at the formulae that I used and compare them with what you have in your original workbook.

    I changed your formulae to eliminate the errors that were being displayed by trying to eliminate them at "source" so that they would not show error values all over your worksheet.

    File SWM Analysis - Conditional Formatting amended - ndm

    I discovered many conditional formats that were in small areas that appeared to be covered by other conditional formats for larger areas. They all seemed to follow the same conditions (without examining every one of the huge number of formatting rules)so, I selected the whole area covered by the conditional formatting and made one set of rules apply to the entire area. I may be in error doing this but it may be worth a look to see if it is what you want. The formulae are the same as in the other workbook.

  7. #7
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    Re: Compare Multiple Rows by Individual column across multiple sheets

    The conditional formatting changed according to sheet (hence why there were so many) The distance to current target has inverse conditional formatting (on the left side 80%+ would be green, but on the right would be red (80% completed vs 80% to go type of thing)) - So that just about works (even if it is messy - its only for single time use and I cant think of a better way to do it)

    Thanks for the fixing of the formulae - It does indeed look much more simple than mine! Could you explain what you exactly did? Your model does not take into account the benchmark percentage (e.g 80% for a benchmark of 80% should be an A+) and I'd like to learn a bit more as well.

    How did you remove the need for the nested if statement?


  8. #8
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: Compare Multiple Rows by Individual column across multiple sheets

    If you take the time to go through your Conditional Formatting rules, you want to be sure that you are not applying more than one set of rules to an area of the worksheet.

    The benchmark of 80% as set out in your original formula was for an A and not an A+ IF(AND(D24>=80,D24<90),"A", A+ starts at 90% AND(D24>=90, D24<=100),"A+"

    The nested IFs were defining a lower and upper limit for each grade. This can be accomplished by using a lookup table of numeric grades with letter equivalents or it can be done with a lookup formula that incorporates the grades and assigns the Letter grade. I chose to use the LOOKUP and the formula =IF(D2="","",LOOKUP(D2,{0,50,60,70,80,90,"NA";"C","C+","B","B+","A","A+","NA"})) does that. It looks up the grade in D2 then finds where that grade is in the list started with a { . The grades are in order of lowest to highest. There is a ; in the middle of the listing and this divides the values being looked up from the values to be returned. The values being returned are in the order of the values being looked up. This means that if the value looked up is the third value, then the third value after the ; will be returned.

    If you are wanting to read this formula to understand it, I will try and take it apart for you.


    =IF(D2="","", This part is to eliminate unnecessary computation where there are no values to compute....if D2 is blank enter "" which is a null cell...shows nothing but isn't really blank and the computation of the rest of the formula stops if it is the TRUE part of the IF formula. A blank cell will be TRUE when D2 is empty.

    LOOKUP(D2,{0,50,60,70,80,90,"NA";"C","C+","B","B+","A","A+","NA"})) This part looks up the value of D2. Is the value >=0 and less than 50, is the value >=50 and less than 60 etc. If the grade is between 50 and 59 that falls into the 2nd range therefore a C+ which is the second grade in the values to be returned would be the answer is this case would be C+.

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