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Wants to Create Dynamic Chart basis on Dynamic Table

  1. #1
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    Wants to Create Dynamic Chart basis on Dynamic Table


    Please help me to create the dynamic chart as I post this @ chandoo.org but I didn't get any help there. Please have a look and help me.

    My requirement is that, I have a table containing ID in Col A, and Col D has criteria of Yes / No and Col L is containing the country list in Mobile Responsive Master sheet tab. I want to have a dynamic chart in another sheet, If e.g. I select Country as USA and Mobile Friendly (Col D) as Yes, the the chart should contain the data for these two criteria looking up from Mobile Responsive Master sheet tab.

    I somehow able to create the dynamic table however, unable to convert this into dynamic graph. Can I get any help on this??


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  2. #2
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    Re: Wants to Create Dynamic Chart basis on Dynamic Table


    What is the connection between this post and the one you made at the link you provide?

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    Re: Wants to Create Dynamic Chart basis on Dynamic Table

    Hi XOR,

    Both the link are containing same problem, however I didn't received any response there so opened the new one and now i am helpless...Looking for solution.

    Let me know if I have to explain anything as i am assuming i have tried to explain there.

  4. #4
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    Re: Wants to Create Dynamic Chart basis on Dynamic Table

    I'm afraid the moderators will ask you to close one of the two shortly. Perhaps contact one of them yourself in advance to let them know.

    Forum practice is to "bump" an existing thread if you have not received an answer, not start a completely new one with the same issue.


  5. #5
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    Re: Wants to Create Dynamic Chart basis on Dynamic Table

    Yeah and I have done that just now..Just marked the other thread as SOLVED.

    Is there any solution for my requirement please??

  6. #6
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    Re: Wants to Create Dynamic Chart basis on Dynamic Table

    if you create a chart on a worksheet you can then right click on the chart and click "select data". Once you do this you can then choose cells or ranges that comprise your data. Once you do that the graph will change as the data in the table changes. Excel is all about being dynamic. If you provide a copy of the table I might be able do a portion in order to show you how it goes.

  7. #7
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    Re: Wants to Create Dynamic Chart basis on Dynamic Table

    Hi Opusarlo,

    Thanks for taking time to reading this...I have already attached a workbook in my first post.

    Also, When you take the normal range, the chart will show all the cells for the range where currently data is not available for filtered criteria. for e.g. IF i select USA and mobile friend as Yes, my data range may go upto 100 rows X 3 columns whereas If I select India as country and Yes in Mobile friendly it may reduced to 8-10 rows X 3 columns. Now, what i am looking for that when the criteria gets changed, the range also should get changed automatically and chart should not show any empty cell.

    I know excel is all about dynamic but it matters what you can make dynamic. As you must be knowing, the dynamic function used to be quite heavy as compare to normal function.

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