Hi All,
I have been trying for ages to solve this problem with Index Match or Vlookup and Hlookup but to no avail.
I wish to find the sum of total performance for each asset for a given day (24hr periods). However, this requires summing multiple matches for my lookup criteria as my raw data is split into Day Shift (DS) and Night Shift (NS) for each given day. (See the attached workbook, Tab G).
Normally this would be a very easy scenario, and possibly still is however I have some limitations. I am not able to add, remove or change any rows of data, thus no helper columns, and I need to be able to copy the formula down for each Assets table as can be seen in 'Tab F'. I am not concerned about having to change the cell reference for the Asset ID manually for each table if that has to be the case (K1 for the first table).
The other issue is that in Tab G, as the asset ID is listed in a merged cell, which starts above the row of data I need to sum, I have an issue looking up that row and I imagine I may have to use the offset function to counter for this. As a last resort I can un-merge these cells and insert the asset Id in the bottom cell so it aligns with the row of data that will be summed except this is a Last Resort. Again see the attached workbook for more information...
Index_Match_Lookup_Multiple Sums.xlsx
Any help or guidance on this problem would be greatly appreciated. Just remember that I am restricted to not being able to add helper collumns/rows into the existing spreadsheet.
Thanks in advance,