first.. I am a novice excel user and first time poster!.
i selected general section as i have no idea if this is possible. I have one workbook, and data on different sheets.
Here are examples of my sheets.
first one is called Factory. (these records are by item code, so all items listed no dup's) column heading in () data seperated by ,
(Item Code)(Description)( Qty) (VOL) (Weight) ( Factory) (3MoSales) (po no) (ETA) (QTYon PO)
ABC , test item , 412 , 0.00 , 15 , MADISON , 899 , XXPO NoXX , XXETAXX , XXQTY on POXX
DEF , test item2, 567 , 0.12 , 17 , BOSTON, 950,
next sheet is called OpenPOs
(Item Code)(PO No) (ETA ) (Qty On PO)
ABC , 0006627, 06/14/2015, 380
ABC , 0006688, 05/30/2015, 290
DEF , 0006627, 06/14/2015, 420
DEF , 0006688, 05/30/2015, 480
DEF , 0006627, 06/14/2015, 325
XYZ , 0006688, 05/30/2015, 380
is it possible to read the openPOs sheet, and match the item code, and then have it insert the PO no, ETA and Qty on PO running horizontal(same line) as item on the Factory Sheet?
the OPen PO's can have one or many open PO's listed for each item, but it is sorted by item.
any help or thoughts would be welcome.. remember i am a novice trying for this complicated situation.