This is 99% perfect - thank you!

What happens is that there will be a blank row(s) in the source data.
Row 183, the data will be there in columns A:D of that row, but either nothing or zeros in E:F, and nothing or sometimes zeros through column BT. I don't control the data to force to zero.
When I run the code, it pastes the values of the 1st row of the source data into this null space. Row 2 data showed up again in row 183. I have no idea how.
I've run this a few times, and can't come up with how it's getting the numbers to paste.
Any ideas?

Now I have three extra wrinkles.
1) Is there a way to skip blank rows? There are gaps between sections of data. Below row 183, there are 5 rows of either nothing or junk until row 188. The original data had headers for each section, that is the 'junk'. Again, i can't control the data coming to me, other than to manually alter it each time I get it - and that is frequent.

2) Since my initial request above, I found out that the output needs to be in three columns depending on what the data represents. In other words: Data needs to be broken up into 'Units', 'Orders', 'Packages'. For instance, row 2 through 183 are Units. Row 188 starts Packages, and so on. The first row of each section has the same column labels except column B where it is either Units, Orders, or Packages.
Is there a way to output that?

3) Is there a way to NOT show output rows with zeros as data points in all three data columns?

This data ultimately becomes part of a larger Access Db, and the less table space, the better.

Thanks again for the work so far.