Hello everyone, this is my first time posting so I hope that my title was OK? My problem is as follows and I would really appreciate any suggestions.
I am organising an event where there are 50 sellers who get assigned a number (1-50). During the sale I will be collecting the sold labels and inputting them to ascertain who has sold what. My question is, what is the best way of doing this i.e. pivot table or Access. I will be inputting the amounts as they are given to me so they won't have been sorted into seller numbers. I thought about having the first column in Excel with numbers 1-50 and then inputting the amounts as they come in into the appropriate row. I will then end up with maybe some seller no's having sold 40 items and therefore populating 40 columns. I will then want to extract this information to show the totals against the seller numbers so that I can then calculate a certain percentage of the total. I've tried to explain the best I can and I hope it makes sense!? Can anyone give me some advice. Many thanks