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Display of row heights and column widths

  1. #1
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    Display of row heights and column widths

    Up until last week's huge Microsoft update, I was able to adjust (and view) row heights and column widths. Now, I can still adjust both, but the display of what those settings are does not appear on my screen. If I send that spreadsheet to a co-worker, that information is there for them. And my IT department is stumped. Any ideas as to what could be wrong??

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Display of row heights and column widths

    Go to Home-->Cells-->Format. There you can find "Row Heigh (Hot Keys - Alt+H+O+H)" and "Column Width (Hot Key - Alt+H+O+W)" option.

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  3. #3
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: Display of row heights and column widths

    If you can, go to the Control Panel, Backup and Restore, Click on Recover System Settings on your computer, Open System Restore and choose a restore point before the update that caused the problems. After the restore go to Windows Update and update your computer.


    Go to the Control Panel, Programs and Features, click on View Installed Updates. Delete all updates back to and including the update that caused the problems. Go to Windows Update and re-install the updates.
    <---------If you like someone's answer, click the star to the left of one of their posts to give them a reputation point for that answer.
    Ron W

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