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Automatically fill cell based on drop -down list in other cell

  1. #1
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    Automatically fill cell based on drop -down list in other cell

    Hello friends,

    I have a spreadsheet that aim to collect information of technical assistance that my company offer to different health agencies. Some of the fields we have in the spreadsheet include staff person name, type of services provide, duration of the services, agency name, agency ID. I create a drop down many for Agency ID so staff who are offering the service can select a valid agency ID. I need to automatically have the name of the agency associate with the agency ID as well as its State. So if I select Agency 100, the agency name cell will automatically be filled with the corresponding name of that agency (see attached). Or if I know the agency name the Agency ID, the name of the agency will fill automatically. Is there a way to do this?

    I will greatly appreciate any help and suggestion.

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  2. #2
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    Re: Automatically fill cell based on drop -down list in other cell

    Create a multiple IF formula for the cells in column e. =if(D4="AK0001", "Agency Name", if(D4="AK0011", "Second Agency Name", if(...... The very last If condition would be if(D4 = "DE0087", "Last Agency Name", "")

    ...make sure you have the proper cells in D selected as the linked cell in your drop down properties

  3. #3
    Forum Expert skywriter's Avatar
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    Re: Automatically fill cell based on drop -down list in other cell

    Hi Marvin,
    It sounds like you want to make a selection from a drop down list and have other information automatically filled in. You don't want the items you want automatically filled in to have drop down lists. I removed the state drop down list and created some states on your second sheet. Change an agency ID and you will see the state fill in automatically. Let me know if I'm on the right track.

    Good Luck!!!
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  4. #4
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    Re: Automatically fill cell based on drop -down list in other cell

    This is great Skywriter! But I also need that when the staff enters the name of the agency, the agency ID and the State corresponding to that agency name automatically filled in. So if start writing Agency name example 1 , its Id and state will automatically filled in. Does this make sense? It is more likely that the staff completing this log will know the agency name.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert skywriter's Avatar
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    Re: Automatically fill cell based on drop -down list in other cell

    Just make sure all the lists are created and have at least some information, then re-post your sheet. Another suggestion I would have is if the agency numbers you are using are truly how you agency numbers appear. AZ0002, AR0015, etc. then you should consider building a list in two columns, with the left column being AZ, CA etc with Arizona and California etc., in the second column. If this is the true format of your agency ID, then I can build a formula that automatically matches the first two letters for example AZ in the agency ID and automatically returns the state in the state column.
    Last edited by skywriter; 03-26-2015 at 12:49 PM.

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