Hi. This is my first post, and I’m a long-term excel user, but only for basic tasks – I’m still a novice!
My problem is this:
I have a sheet with 2 columns: date/hour and water level. I need to insert these columns into a programme which will help me calculate streamflow. Unfortunately, it needs the data in 15 minute intervals.
I am happy to use the hourly data to ‘fill’ the 15 minute gaps, but this doesn’t seem to be intuitive!
I have created a new column with day date in 15 minute intervals, & the first 2 hours data and hoped to be able to drag down the column to create my new 15 minute dataset. Unfortunately, as people on this forum probably realised at the start, excel doesn’t work this way!
Is there any way of doing this? Feel free to ask for clarification if I haven’t explained very well!