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Use format of one cell to change type of format used in conditional format

  1. #1
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    Use format of one cell to change type of format used in conditional format

    I don't know if it matters but I am working on an .xls document in compatibility mode using MS excel 2010.

    Using this forum I was able to write conditional formatting formulas that would automatically change the color of entire rows anywhere on the spreadsheet whenever 1 of 6 different names were entered in one column and the next column contained either "PU" or "DO". This was a great feat for me as I am by no means an expert and do not know VBA. However cool this was, I would still need to rewrite the conditional formatting for the entire sheet when new names occur in the future.

    I would like to select which format type used in conditional formatting remotely - e.g. by formatting a cell (say T1) in Green I could then have the conditional format refer to that cell to select green text formatting to use on the proscribed condition.


    A related, and likely simpler request is to also have conditions referenced remotely - e.g. a list of names that would trigger the conditional formatting.

    Ideally the name could be formatted as desired to show in conditional formatting, then I could skip colored numbers & just have list of names.

    In this way, as the possible names change over time I would not need to rewrite the formulas to conditionally format the worksheet, I could write the formulas once and then just enter names in a list using formatting I desire and the conditional format formulas would do the rest!
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  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Use format of one cell to change type of format used in conditional format

    I would like to select which format type used in conditional formatting remotely - e.g. by formatting a cell (say T1) in Green I could then have the conditional format refer to that cell to select green text formatting to use on the proscribed condition.
    To the best of my knowledge, this is not possible with regular CF. CF works on rules you provide inside the CF window
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  3. #3
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Use format of one cell to change type of format used in conditional format

    I would like to select which format type used in conditional formatting remotely - e.g. by formatting a cell (say T1) in Green I could then have the conditional format refer to that cell to select green text formatting to use on the proscribed condition.
    To the best of my knowledge, this is not possible with regular CF. CF works on rules you provide inside the CF window

  4. #4
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    Re: Use format of one cell to change type of format used in conditional format

    Thanks FDibbins, even though it's not the answer I hoped for, at least I can stop looking now...from what I've seen so far, if it could be done you would have known something about it.

    On the other hand, if I give up on the "remote text formatting" idea I think it's possible to have all of the desired text colors as separate rules within the CF window - each color rule having a formula referring to a cell in a list of names. Does that make sense?

    I would still need to make a rule for each text format color or style, but that would have way fewer possibilities than all the unknown future names I might otherwise need to write a rule for.

    It seems like I ran across something on this forum that used a variable external list of "triggers" for conditional formatting, but I was searching for something else at the time and now after hours of searching I can't find that post again.

    Should I start a new post for this question?

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