I have been collecting my companies call log data. I am wanting to create a chart that will show any trends between the week day and the Peak Hour of calls. I am seeking this information to determine if it would be beneficial to keep an extra salesman in the office on certain days of the week.
For Example: Mondays always have a heavy call volume at 10:00 AM, or Fridays call volume is typically heavy between 8am and Noon.
I track and record the following data daily:
Date (Monday, January 19, 2015)
# Incoming Calls
# Outgoing Calls
# Total Calls
Peak Hour of Incoming Calls
# of Incoming Calls in Peak HR
I have attached clips of my chart for reference. I have tried a few charts but can't seem to find one that gives me the results I am looking for.
Call Log.JPGPeak Hr. Data.JPG