I have to use the bisection method to optimise S to a minimum using the following equations:
S=4xh+2x((x^2)/4+b^2)^1/2 and h = V/(x^2) - b/3
V must be 20 and x must be 4
I have the following set up so that changing b changes the value of h and then S:
X1: 4
V1: 20
H1: =V1/(X1^2) - B1/3
S1: =4*X1*H1 + 2*X1*SQRT((X1^2)/4 + B1^2)
Any idea how to use the bisection method on excel so it finds the minimum value of S?
A shown excel page with all values in would be great and help me to see what is going on.