I have to scan about 30,000 bar codes in Excel which has a list of 6,000 files to remove from the shelves.
Made a search function to compare the the list of 6,000 I am looking for.
the list of files to archive is in column G
I scan the bar code in column H
column I has this formula =IF(COUNTIF(FindMe2,H3)>0,"ARCHIVE THIS!","FILE OK")
This works fine.
What I would like is different sounds one to confirm the scan gun did scan (sometimes bar codes are hard to read) so, one sound for scan/"FILE OK"
another sound when "ARCHIVE THIS!" is the result.
I found on a site a module:
Function beepNow()
End Function
And so in column "J" i have =IF(I2="ARCHIVE THIS!",beepNow(),"")
Which give's me one beep if the file is to be Archived.
As stated earlier, I need one sound to say bar code scanned and a different sound to say "archive this".
Could be one beep and two beeps.
Playing a .wav file would be nice from the C/WINDOWS/MEDIA location
Note I have no VBA experience other knowing what it is and how to insert/ (copy-paste) code in excel.
Thank you