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New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

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  1. #1
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    New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    In my well-used Excel 2013, if I try to insert a new column (between existing ones) and then put a title in (in Row 9, but it happens even when I've put in new rows above it), then attempt to save the spreadsheet, Excel comes up with the message:

    .. cannot acceess the file '....\15326C00'. There are several possible reasons:
    The file name of path does not exist
    The file is being used by another program
    The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook

    Excel is then usually frozen and I need to close it (sometimes with Task Manager)

    This happens nearly always when I attempt to generate a new column and txt title it. I can occasionally get round it be copying another column into the new one and then changing that to the new required one - but not always.

    I do not have any filename 15326C00 - I do not know where Excel gets this from. There is a similar, but different, filename each time. But sometime later, this folder does get files with similar, if not exact, names - these cannot be read by Excel (or anything else to my knowledge).

    The file path mentioned does exist - I use it all the time - but not that file.
    There is no such file anywhere on my PC - used by another program or Excel

    If I attempt to close Excel, it offers me a chance to save the file, it then repeats the above. I cannot save to a new or old filename.

    I've had this problem for some time, including with Excel 2010 and before and after a fresh re-install of both Excel, MS Office, and my whole PC. I have even just tried again as I write this, and this time the filename is 2AD88C00

    Any ideas please?

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator davesexcel's Avatar
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    Attach a sample workbook. Make sure there is just enough data to demonstrate your need. Include a BEFORE sheet and an AFTER sheet in the workbook if needed to show the process you're trying to complete or automate. Make sure your desired results are shown, mock them up manually if necessary.

    Remember to desensitize the data.

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  3. #3
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    Does this file have links to other files in it?

    Attach a sample workbook. Make sure there is just enough data to demonstrate your need. Include a BEFORE sheet and an AFTER sheet in the workbook if needed to show the process you're trying to complete or automate. Make sure your desired results are shown, mock them up manually if necessary.

    Remember to desensitize the data.

    Click on GO ADVANCED and use the paperclip icon to open the upload window.

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  4. #4
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    I'm afraid it would be very difficult to provide a copy of my spreadsheet in an anonymised form. There are 19 sheets in it, and it is 21MB in size.

    There is also the problem that if I strip off all the 18 associated spreadsheets - which are linked (& I realise that may be the source of the problem) - then the problem may go away; but I'd still have the problem on the whole spreadsheet.

    Is it any use just doing Snip of the two states? I'll attach a before and after, but I'm not sure that'll be much use.

    The problem cell is GQ9, in which I stripped off just one letter from "Berri" (I really only want "Cherry" in there). And then tried to save the same spreadsheet that I'd just freshly loaded. And it froze.


  5. #5
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    I wonder if this is a temporary file on a network. I get a similar error sometimes with files downloaded from here. My only workaround that I have found is to save the file to my local drive then open it from there instead of the network. (I have to delete the temporary files before opening the saved file)

  6. #6
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    Thanks for those thoughts.

    My file is not on a network.

    If it would help, I am happy to upload my whole file (21MB) if that would help and if the site can handle a file that big. I have no issues with privacy if the Forum doesn't - I am self-tracking my lifestyle and health metrics with a view to improvement (I have three co-morbidities).

  7. #7
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    The file name you are seeing is the temporary file that Excel creates when saving a file (it then deletes the old one and renames the temp one as long as the operations are successful). You won't be able to upload a file that large here, but if you have a OneDrive / Dropbox account (you can get free ones) you can upload it there and post a link here.
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  8. #8
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    I think that your temporary file is not being properly eliminated/deleted and somehow causing the save to take on the temporary file ID.

    Do you use the file preview in Windows Explorer and have it open when you run into problems? On one of my computers this causes some strange behaviour.

    If you do get a Dropbox or OneDrive account, zip the file before uploading. It will go much more quickly on the upload and download.

  9. #9
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    Many thanks for all your suggestions and what to do - I rarely use my OneDrive, but that seems the best place to link to: http://1drv.ms/14dr0Ce

    The problem is on the first sheet, named Raw Data.

    Whilst the particular problem I have just now is with trying to tidy up the name in GQ9 (which I want to be just Cherries), this problem happens whenever I attempt to add a new column and then add the title - you'll see that GR9 is blank, 'cos I gave up trying to title it, and it's temporary anyway.

    Zipping my file didn't reduce it much, but I've done that.


  10. #10
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    The file is password protected.

  11. #11
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    Oops; apologies. Password now removed.

  12. #12
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    Now the link goes to the sign-in for OneDrive....can't access the file you want to have examined.

  13. #13
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    Once again, my apologies. Perhaps this longer link will work: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resi...int=file%2czip

    As I don't use OneDrive often, I'm not too sure how it works. Previously when I've used it, my friends given a link seemed able to access it without any trouble, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong now.

  14. #14
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    My first guesses would be that the problem stems from conditional formatting. The dialog can't even properly tell me which ranges all the rules apply to on the first sheet but you appear to have exactly the same rules duplicated many, many times. Similarly on the other sheets, it appears that the same rule should be applied to one block of cells, but it's actually broken up into several identical rules applied to chunks of that range. I think I'd clear them all and start again.

    You also have a lot of comments. You have almost 20,000 on the first sheet alone and they are all over the place in relation to their parent cells. Do you really need all of them? For example, the first 2000+ cells in column E have the same comment which just echoes the formula in the cell, for no reason I can see.

  15. #15
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    Thanks for taking the trouble to look at my problem and attempting to find a solution.

    Starting again is not really an option.

    Most/all of the comments are there for very good reasons, which would be too lengthy to go in to. Often repetitive ones effectively allow me to track back to allow me to know what I intended to do and/or confirm that I am still doing something. To pick and choose which to do and/or delete would be too time consuming.

    I realise there are also repetitive formulas, but again the same explanation applies as that above. Plus I use the same formulas for different purposes in different sheets.

    However, all that said, I do tidy up somewhat at times (believe it or not; but this spreadsheet is the result of 7+ years of daily use).

    But thanks again for your input. I just hoped my problem was something simple that another's eyes would quickly see I'd done one specific thing wrong and so could easily be corrected.

  16. #16
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    I only meant clear the conditional formatting and then reapply it from scratch, not start the whole workbook again.

  17. #17
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    Oh; yes I did misunderstand.

    The different conditional formatting I use is, again, the result of many different filterings - sometimes for cells with non-0 items; sometimes all those items which are increasing/decreasing; etc.

    But there's no conditional formatting on the problem cells, so that's not a source of my problem.

  18. #18
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    It's hard to be sure, since your workbook works for me anyway, but your CF is a mess and that sort of thing can indeed lead to strange problems with workbooks. However, it's your file so the choice is yours.

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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    It is odd that you cannot replicate my problem. I'm still having the same problem when I remove the 'Berr' from 'Berr Cherries'.

    I must confess, I cannot see any connection between conditional formatting and my problem tho'

    I'll just have to live with it.

  20. #20
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    Quote Originally Posted by Zarathrustra View Post
    I'll just have to live with it.
    You don't have to. You could at least attempt what I am suggesting on a copy of the workbook - remove all the conditional formatting and see if the problem goes away. If not, then we need to look at something else, though I would strongly suggest you fix the current formatting anyway.

  21. #21
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    I may; but darn me, just as I was playing around with the aforementioned peculiarities, I found I could save the spreadsheet with the new column titles (albeit after a couple of false 'can't save, etc).

    However, I'll give your idea a try next time I hit this problem (which, on past form, will be sooner rather than later).


  22. #22
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    I had no trouble saving your workbook right from the beginning but:

    The Conditional Formatting is playing havoc with your worksheet. I have just spent several hours going over the Conditional formatting on just the Raw Data worksheet that it is a real mess. You have rules upon rules that apply to the same cell with the exact same formatting. Some of the rules are in ranges, others for single cells, some ranges go horizontally while others go vertically and they are covering in many cases the same cells with exactly the same formatting.

    As suggested above, I agree with clearing the Conditional formatting and remove manual formatting from those areas that are going to be conditionally formatted(There are several of those). Select whole ranges to apply the formatting to and not individual cells.

    If your computer doesn't have very much RAM you are going to run into trouble I'm sure. Free disk space could also be a problem if you are running short. This file isn't terribly huge and the calculations are not onerous so I feel that the formatting is the issue here.

  23. #23
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    We may be talking at cross purposes here. Much of my spreadsheet colouring is just Fill from Format Cells.

    I have just tried the option of removing all the Conditional Formatting from the entire sheet, and the problem remains; so that's not it I'm afraid.

  24. #24
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    Here is you file back with all the Conditional Formatting removed. I didn't have trouble saving but wouldn't want less of a computer to handle it.

    My laptop: 6 GB RAM
    HD: 600 GB free space
    Graphics: 512 MB DDR3
    CPU: AMD 8 3520M


  25. #25
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    OK, just got your specs. All looks like it should handle this file just fine.

    Have you cleaned out temporary files lately using something like Ccleaner which does a much better job that searching for temp files and deleting?

    Have you tried booting in safe mode and opening and working with this file? If it works in Safe Mode, then there is likely something that is normally running that is interfering with this file.

  26. #26
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    One thing that we haven't addressed is your computer.
    How much RAM does it have?
    What is the CPU?
    How much free space does the hard drive have?
    How much memory does the graphic card have?

    Is your computer up to date with all updates for software and hardware?

  27. #27
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    I think my laptop is reasonably good:
    W8.1 64 bit
    i7-4800MQ 2.7GHz 6MB
    C: 58GB free; E: (MY Docs) 54.8GB
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 765M - 2GB DDR5
    Updates: they're automatic, both W8.1 & MS products and OK at 08:00 today

  28. #28
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    Re: New cell entry causes Excel to be unable to save and states an unknown filename

    Thanks for that tip. I do use Ccleaner now and again, but not recently. So I've just run it. As my spreadsheet seems to be working OK at the moment, it is difficult to say whether that's made any difference. I'll report back, maybe in a day or so (if not before) and report if things are still OK. Maybe that has fixed it.

    I'll hold off trying the safe mode exploration for now; I'm not sure I'd know what to do if I did find that cured my problem anyway.

    Many thanks for all you help.

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