In my well-used Excel 2013, if I try to insert a new column (between existing ones) and then put a title in (in Row 9, but it happens even when I've put in new rows above it), then attempt to save the spreadsheet, Excel comes up with the message:
.. cannot acceess the file '....\15326C00'. There are several possible reasons:
The file name of path does not exist
The file is being used by another program
The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook
Excel is then usually frozen and I need to close it (sometimes with Task Manager)
This happens nearly always when I attempt to generate a new column and txt title it. I can occasionally get round it be copying another column into the new one and then changing that to the new required one - but not always.
I do not have any filename 15326C00 - I do not know where Excel gets this from. There is a similar, but different, filename each time. But sometime later, this folder does get files with similar, if not exact, names - these cannot be read by Excel (or anything else to my knowledge).
The file path mentioned does exist - I use it all the time - but not that file.
There is no such file anywhere on my PC - used by another program or Excel
If I attempt to close Excel, it offers me a chance to save the file, it then repeats the above. I cannot save to a new or old filename.
I've had this problem for some time, including with Excel 2010 and before and after a fresh re-install of both Excel, MS Office, and my whole PC. I have even just tried again as I write this, and this time the filename is 2AD88C00
Any ideas please?