I have the string =SUBSTITUTE((LEFT(RIGHT(B1,11),10)),".","/") which sorts the entries in date order.
Except for the entries that have x for a value ie (xx.12.1994)
These it bunches up down the bottom of the list.
I was given another string =IFERROR(DATE(YEAR(C1),MONTH(C1),DAY(C1)),SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(C1,"xx","01"),"x",1))*1
but this puts the xx entries at the beining of the month or the year where i want them to be at the end of the month or year.
I need a string that would give me the following
For example (xx.12.1994) would go after (31.12.1994)
and (xx.xx.199x) would go just before (01.01.2000)
Any help appreciated