Its not an ability of excel by default you will need to add functions to have this capability and I am not sure that 03' will handle it...
You will need to add this in VBA
Function CountCellsByColor(rData As Range, cellRefColor As Range) As Long
Dim indRefColor As Long
Dim cellCurrent As Range
Dim cntRes As Long
cntRes = 0
indRefColor = cellRefColor.Cells(1, 1).Interior.Color
For Each cellCurrent In rData
If indRefColor = cellCurrent.Interior.Color Then
cntRes = cntRes + 1
End If
Next cellCurrent
CountCellsByColor = cntRes
End Function
and then you will be able to type
in cell B1
and that will count all that are the same color as A1 so make A1 Red as well