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finding optimal set of data with 2 nonvariable values

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    finding optimal set of data with 2 nonvariable values


    I need to find the optimal solution for the set. the conditions are info 1 minimum AND info 2 maximum value. I have many more than 6 sets.

    Each set has 2 values as you can see. for each set i have 6 values resulted from analyses. I need to find the set that has the best results on the analyses.

    For each set i think i'll do an average for info 1 and info 2 and than find the best set. But i don't know how to find the set.

    i attached an excel file with a sample of data.

    for example set 1 is formed by 3,416 and 4,25 as info 1 and info 2 and so on.
    i need to find which of the sets is best in terms of low value for info 1 and high value for info 2

    Thank you very much
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    Last edited by ghiras; 12-16-2014 at 08:11 AM.

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