Hello! I'm new to the forums here, so hopefully I'm in the right forum. Firstly, thanks very much for taking the time to read this! I have a roster of employees and I'm trying to track how many occurrences of each individual name occurs in a raw data dump, and check those figures against a master roster. I'll use an example:

I have five employees that are salesmen at a TV store. Every morning I pull a raw data report that gives me the breakdown of all cumulative sales done since the beginning of the month. One employee has sold three TVs, and the other four haven't sold any TVs.

Now, since four of the employees haven't sold any TVs, their names will not show up in my morning raw data report. What I would like is a final report with all five employee names on it, that checks the raw data report to see if any of the employees' names are appearing in the raw data. So, for example, my table would say:

Employee 1: 3
Employee 2: 0
Employee 3: 0
Employee 4: 0
Employee 5: 0

I hope I'm being clear enough. My actual report that I'm trying to create would have to account for hundreds of employees, and potentially thousands of occurrences. Up until this point, I've been doing this manually. But Excel is such an extemely versatile program, I have to believe that there is an easier way to be doing this.

Thanks again for taking the time to read this. If any points need clarification, please let me know. I'm grateful for your help!