Ok, this is a great challange! Honor to the one who solves this one 
I'm making a budget.
I want to sort my spendings into categories. My spendings are downloaded as a spreadsheet from my bank. It looks like this:
Details |
Sum |
Category |
VISA Mc Donalds |
-130,00 |
138766 Statoil |
-640,00 |
76234 TAXI 20141127 |
-357,00 |
23454 BurgerKing |
-130,00 |
The categories in this example would be:
Now, I want to search for multiple strings in the A-column and return the correct category for each spending. F.x: I will search for texts like "donalds","burger","oil". If no match is found, the return value should be an empty string. The result should look like:
Details |
Sum |
Category |
VISA Mc Donalds |
-130,00 |
lunch |
138766 Statoil |
-640,00 |
gas |
76234 TAXI 20141127 |
-357,00 |
23454 BurgerKing |
-130,00 |
lunch |
I have tried
, but I have only been successful with searching for one string. Using macro is an option, but I want to try solving this one without use of macro.
I'll be greatful for all the help you can provide!