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  1. #1
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    PLSSS Help, SUMIFS and IF

    I have an exercise which is due today, I need help. Please.... Whoever helps me, I will flash to you....desperate lol

    1. Based on the cost of a month for each contract and including the monthly rental, create a flexible way of isolating the total income for 2010 for each of the following “Lesson Types”. Piano, Percussion and Violin. Take a copy of the worksheet for each one and paste that copy onto a new worksheet, renaming the worksheet tab to reflect the content. Three new worksheets in all.

    I got this one as =SUMIFS(H:H,F:F,F2,D:D,">="&DATE(2010,1,1),E:E,"<="&DATE(2010,12,31)) but i still miss add rental cost....

    2. Find out which Instructor gathered the most revenue for us and take a copy to place on a new worksheet with named tab.

    3. Create a pivot table on its own worksheet, with the Instructor Names as the Row labels and the Lesson Type as the column labels. Set up a filter on Student Name. With no filter applied, create a Pie Chart for the Piano Lesson Type and place it on the sheet with the Pivot table underneath the table. Make sure there are sufficient labels and legend to make the resulting chart very clear.
    4. Use the filter on the pivot table to determine which student spends the most money on lessons with us in the year 2010. When you find that student copy the pivot table and place on its own named sheet.

    5. There is a quicker way to find the student that spends most money on lessons, rather than first having to create the Pivot Table then go through the filters. See if you can figure it out and then create a new named sheet, place a complete copy of all the data onto that sheet and then write up the instructions about how to determine the student spending the most on lessons.

  2. #2
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    Re: PLSSS Help, SUMIFS and IF

    I will flash for you, please help. I am serious...

  3. #3
    Forum Expert Sam Capricci's Avatar
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    Re: PLSSS Help, SUMIFS and IF

    for your first issue, i created a helper column in col J of sheet 1 with =TEXT(D2,"yyyy"), then used this formula to get the sum…
    still reading the rest of your post.
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert Sam Capricci's Avatar
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    Re: PLSSS Help, SUMIFS and IF

    here is your sheet back with what i would say may satisfy your second issue too along with a ranking.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
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    Re: PLSSS Help, SUMIFS and IF

    ohhhh my Mr. Chamring, you are soooo sweet and helpful......
    I decide to do more for you. just let me know what kind of photos you like to take. I will do it.

  6. #6
    Forum Expert Sam Capricci's Avatar
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    Re: PLSSS Help, SUMIFS and IF

    if you think i was a help, just hit the "add reputation" link under my post and that will suffice.

  7. #7
    Forum Moderator vlady's Avatar
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    Re: PLSSS Help, SUMIFS and IF

    @ sarah, Welcome to the forum,
    there are rules regarding cross-posting
    Cross-posting is when you post the same question in other forums on the web. The last thing you want to do is waste people's time working on an issue you have already resolved elsewhere. We prefer that you not cross-post at all, but if you do (and it's unlikely to go unnoticed), you MUST provide a link (copy the url from the address bar in your browser) to the cross-post.

    Expect cross-posted questions without a link to be closed and a message will be posted by the moderator explaining why. We are here to help so help us to help you!

    Read this to understand why we ask you to do this, and then please edit your first post to include links to any and all cross-posts in any other forums (not just this site).

    for the meantime i will put it here for you as sample.

    Cross - posted here: http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-q...ml#post3997454
    I think people forget the word "THANK YOU!!!!" Do you still know it???

    There is a little star ( ADD REPUTATION ) below those person who helped you. Click it to say your "PRIVATE APPRECIATION TO THEIR EFFORT ON THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS "


  8. #8
    Administrator 6StringJazzer's Avatar
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    Re: PLSSS Help, SUMIFS and IF

    To all participants, as a matter of policy we discourage doing people's homework for them. sarahbunny said this is an "exercise" and Sambo Kid provided a solution with minimal effort on the part of the OP. We are not here to do homework for...rewards. Please read our homework FAQ.

    Sambo Kid, I must add that I admire your gallantry.
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