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Goal Seek and Rate Function

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  1. #1
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    Goal Seek and Rate Function


    I want to calculate the values using Goal seek function in two scenarios.

    In the first scenario, you only have $8,000 available as a monthly payment; use Goal Seek to see how months it will take to pay off the loan. Format this value using two decimal places.

    In the second scenario, you only want to pay a total of $30,000 in interest; use Goal Seek to
    establish the interest rate you would to negotiate to achieve this. Format two decimal places.

    An attachment is down below. The document is on the 2nd sheet.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    2 things -

    1. please stop posting duplicate threads.
    2. Nothing is more frustrating than to be working on homework and to get stuck. Without guidance, you might have no hope of finishing the assignment before the deadline. The Internet can be a big help in that respect, but without learning how to get the right answer, asking others to solve your homework questions for you simply becomes a downward spiral (and it's cheating).

    We do not want to contribute to you cheating yourself out of your education, but we also acknowledge that seeking assistance to learn a concept is a legitimate request.

    If you are genuinely interested in receiving help in the form of tutoring or coaching, then please rephrase the title of your original post to clearly indicate you are seeking coaching or tutoring help. Any forum members (who are willing to assist as a tutor) will modify their responses accordingly to facilitate your learning. Tutors don't tell you the answers, they help you figure it out for yourself; so don't expect answers, expect suggestions, or just plain hints. Also, be specific in describing the function/formula or technique you trying to learn, and tell us what you have attempted so far. Otherwise, expect your plea for homework answers to be ignored.
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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    Oh sorry i had thought i lost the question when i checked on my posts and the thread i posted wasn't there i searched for it but i couldn't find it so i thought it got deleted or didn't go through so i tried posting it one more time. Sorry!

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    And this is a different question i'm currently working on to compare answers

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    Another thought with homework like this, ask specific questions. Let us know what you already know how to do and what specifically you don't know.

    I would probably suggest you start here: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/ex...990.aspx?CTT=1 The example used in the help file is even another loan parameter adjustment example.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    ok thanks, i still don't know how to go about this question

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    There are three questions in your spreadsheet. 1 and 2 should almost answer themselves, once you have found and opened the goal seek dialog. If they don't, then let us know specifically what you don't understand in the Goal seek fields.

    Scenario 3 should be relatively straightforward if you will use the RATE() function in the blue cell (as your spreadsheet indicates). If you are unfamiliar with the RATE() function, start here with the help file http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/ex...in=HP010342656 If there is something in here that you don't understand (what the arguments mean, how to reference other cells as an argument, or whatever), let us know and we'll try to help you understand it.

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    ok the first scenario sates i have $8000 as monthly payments but i have to modify the $9,510.23. I tried using the whatif analysis and used the Goal seek function, but i says reference is not vaild

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    What references did you put in "Set cell" and "By changing cell" fields? What did you put in the "To value" field?

  10. #10
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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    Set Cell was C12, By changing cell monthly payments, to value $8000

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    Set cell should indeed by C12, I'm not sure which cell is "monthly payments", could it be that you put an invalid reference for the by changing cell?

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    monthly payments is cell B12

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    B12 contains the text string "monthly payment", which is neither a value nor does it fit into the string of calculations that feed into C12. The "by changing cell" needs to be a cell that contains a value (usually a hand entered value) that is one of the "precedent cells" for the "set cell". In this case, the question asks you to find "how many months" will it take to pay of the loan at a payment of 8000, so I would expect your "by changing cell" will be a cell that contains the number of months or years needed for this scenario.

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    ok i indeed set the by changing cell to $C$11 thats the number of periods but it says cell must contain a value

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    Correct. And C11 is a function of the no of years (C5) and the number of payments per year (C6), so you need to look at these two cells and decide which one of these two cells should be the "by changing cell".

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    my number of years changed to this value 4.8482879856756

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    and i moved it to 2 dmp

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    i choose C5

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    Does that seem reasonable (that it will take almost a year longer to pay of the loan by paying a smaller monthly payment)?

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    wow thanks

  21. #21
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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    i'm confused do i use F4 or F10

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    ok thanks and goodbye

  23. #23
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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    the second scenario say i want to pay a total of $30,000 in interest use Goal Seek to establish the interest rate i would to negotiate to achieve this.

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    I need to leave, so I won't be back until later. If you need more help, someone will hopefully be able to jump in and help further.

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    Just as before, F10 is a formula, not a value. F10 is calculated from F4 and F6, which are both hand entered values.

    Based on what we have talked about previously, which one will you have goal seek change -- F4 or F10?

  26. #26
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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    Opps sorry i posted the question again coz u said i should repost it , altho i haven't gotten any replies. But i think F4?

  27. #27
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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    It is unclear whether you are still looking for an answers to the third scenario. And it's unclear which thread we should respond: one thread is marked "solved", and a moderator has complained about the other thread. I will duplicate this response. But you should choose only one thread to continue the discussion.

    For my comments below, refer to the worksheet "Scenarios (corrected") in the Excel file "A2-1402-F14-Q2-2-1 MOD.xlsx" attached below.

    Quote Originally Posted by MysJee View Post
    In this third scenario, I only make a down payment of $20,000 and i'm forced to make payments of $8,000 a month over 4 years. I need to use the Rate function in cell I10 to figure out how much my interest payments are and then fill in the supporting data in cells I4, I13 and I14.
    The formula in I10 should be:

    I10, periodic rate: =RATE(I11,I12,-I9)

    Note that this is a periodic rate. So the formula in I4 (annual rate) should be:

    I4, annual rate: =I10*I6

    The other formulas should be:

    I13, total repayment: =I12*I11
    I14, total interest: =I13-I9

    If you insist on using CUMIPMT, note the comments about your misuse of it below.

    Quote Originally Posted by MysJee View Post
    In the first scenario, you only have $8,000 available as a monthly payment; use Goal Seek to see how months it will take to pay off the loan. Format this value using two decimal places.
    I know the assignment requires that you use Goal Seek. But FYI, you can calculate the number of payments (C11) directly with the following formula:

    C11, number of payments: =NPER(C10,8000,-C9)

    Nitpick.... If you do use Goal Seek, the "by changing" cell should be C11, with the formula =C11/C6 in C5 (years).

    The reason is: usually, the Goal Seek result is approximate. There is less numerical error by aproximating the number of periods, then dividing by periods per year. In effect, you are dividing (reducing) the numerical error as well.

    It makes little difference in this scenario. But the principle might be useful and more important in other examples.

    Your use (or the instructor's use) of CUMIPMT in C14 is incorrect. At a minimum, the last parameter should be 0 instead of 1, to wit:

    C14, total interest: =-CUMIPMT(C10,C11,C9,1,C11,0)

    The reason is: usually, loan payments are in arrears; that is, at the end of the period. [EDIT] Moreover, it is consistent with how you use PMT in C12 and F12.

    However, note that in this scenario, the number of payments (C11) is not an integer. In that case, CUMIPMT returns the wrong value(!). In effect, it is as if the call were -CUMIPMT(C10,C11,C9,1,INT(C11),0). That fails to account for interest paid in the last payment, after payment #58 in this example.

    The formulas in C13 and C14 should be:

    C13, total repayment: =C12*INT(C11)+FV(C10,INT(C11),C12,-C9)*(1+C10)
    C14, total interest: =C13-C9

    In other words, total interest is total repayment minus total principal (loan amount).

    That formula in C13 assumes the payment is at the end the last (fractional) period. I believe that is consistent with common loan practice, since the borrower's cash flow situation might require it. However, that does depend on the lender's policies.

    If you want to prorate the interest for the last fractional period, the formula in C13 might be:


    Quote Originally Posted by MysJee View Post
    In the second scenario, you only want to pay a total of $30,000 in interest; use Goal Seek to establish the interest rate you would to negotiate to achieve this. Format two decimal places.
    What appears in your Excel file is completely wrong. The total interest is not $30,000.

    If the assignment requires that you use Goal Seek, "set cell" should be F14, "to value" should 30000. "By changing" should be F10 (periodic rate), not F4 (annual rate), again to minimize numerical error.

    However, FYI, you can calculate the rate directly as follows:

    F4, annual rate: =F10*F6
    F10, periodic rate: =RATE(F11,F12,-F9)
    F12, payment: =(30000+F9)/F11

    Again, instead of using CUMIPMT, the formulas in F13 and F14 should be:

    F13, total repayment: =F12*F11
    F14, total interest: =F13-F9

    But if you must use CUMIPMT, remember that the last parameter should be 0, not 1, to wit:

    F14: =-CUMIPMT(F10,F11,F9,1,F11,0)

    In this case, CUMIPMT returns the correct total interest because F11 (number of payments) is an integer.

    The formula for payment in F12 is derived from the simpler formulas in F13 and F14, to wit:

    totalInterest = totalRepayment - loanAmount
    3000 = F12*F11 - F9
    F12 = (3000 + F9) / F11
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by joeu2004; 11-13-2014 at 03:12 PM.

  28. #28
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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    PS.... I forgot to mention my favorite nitpick.

    You are calculating or using the annual interest rate, not the APR.

    They are different when there are additional initial costs, for example down payments.

    I won't confuse you with the differences in computation.

    But I wanted to mention it: (1) because it might confuse others who might contribute, as it did me; and (2) just in case it is relevant to the assignment (I don't think so).

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    Right F4 would be the one to change.

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    yeah thanks!! but the question only wants me to use Goal seek

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    Quote Originally Posted by MysJee View Post
    yeah thanks!! but the question only wants me to use Goal seek
    As I thought. But you can use the direct methods of computation to check your use of Goal Seek.

    Also, I pointed out a number of other mistakes that should be addressed. But I wonder if some of those are the instructor's mistakes, not yours.

    Specifically, the use of the last parameter for CUMIPMT is inconsistent with the use of PMT and (my suggestion for) RATE.

    Also CUMIPMT returns the incorrect amount of total interest in scenario #1.

    The total interest in scenario #2 is incorrect because the annual (or periodic) rate is incorrect. That suggests a misuse of or failure to use Goal Seek. But perhaps you had not updated the file attached to your later posting [1] after you applied instructions from MrShorty.

    I thought it was a different file because I thought the name had changed. But I just realized that the name change is on my local copy, not the attachment that you posted. I think my browser's downloader or something recognizes that I downloaded a file with the same name, so it automagically generates a versionated name to avoid conflict, trying to be too helpful.

    [1] http://www.excelforum.com/excel-general/1049435-need-help-with-three-case-scenarios-using-rate-function-to-calculate-interest-payments.html#post3898596

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    Oh ok i will send an attachment of what i have done so far
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by MysJee; 11-15-2014 at 03:49 AM.

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    Quote Originally Posted by MysJee View Post
    Attachment 358974
    Oh ok i will send an attachment of what i have done so far
    Two errors.


    In scenario #2, total repayment (F13) is incorrect.

    If the periodic payment is $9298.75 (F12) for 48 payments (F11), total repayment is 9298.75*48 = 446,340 [1], not 445,000. Make sense?

    The root cause of the problem, as I wrote before, is that you are using CUMIPMT(F10,F11,F9,1,F11,1) in F14, but effectively PMT(F10,F11,-F9,0,0) in F12.

    If this is truly a loan, CUMIPMT(F10,F11,F9,1,F11,0) is the correct usage because loan payments are at the end of the period.

    If this is actually a capital lease, PMT(F10,F11,-F9,0,1) is the correct usage because capital lease payments are at the beginning of the period.

    In either case, the "type" parameter of CUMIPMT and PMT must be the same. Make sense?

    [1] Actually, F11*F12 is about 446,340.10 because F12 is not actually rounded; it is just displayed that way due to the cell format. That is the best we can do because Goal Seek does not work well if we explicitly round values. Nonetheless, in the final analysis, true total repayment (F16) is =F11*ROUND(F12,2), and true total interest (F17) is =F16-F9. Arguably, that might go beyond the assignment.


    In scenario #1, total interest (C14) is incorrect.

    At the very least, the root cause of the problem is the same as the problem in scenario #2: you are using CUMIPMT(C10,C11,C9,1,C11,1) in C14, but effectively PMT(C10,C11,-C9,0,0) in C12.

    Again, the "type" parameter of CUMIPMT and PMT must be the same.

    Moreover, as I wrote before, CUMIPMT returns the wrong amount when the number of payments (C11) is a non-integer like 58.18.

    If the assignment requires that you use CUMIPMT, so be it.


    (a) If you use PMT(C10,C11,-C9) or PMT(C10,C11,-C9,0,0) in C12, the correct formula in C13 (total payment) is:

    (b) If you use PMT(C10,C11,-C9,0,1) in C12, the correct formula in C13 (total payment) is:

    (c) In either case, the correct formula in C14 (total interest) is:

    That is, total payment is the integer number of periods times the period payment plus the remaining balance and, for #a, the interest on the remaining balance. For #b, there is no interest on the remaining balance because payments are at the beginning of the period.

    Total interest is simply total payment minus total principal paid, which is the loan amount. Make sense?

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    Once i used Goal seek the values changed and the question said to specifically change them to values $8,000 and $30,000

  35. #35
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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    Scenario 1 said i only have $8000 available as a monthly payment and use Goal seek to modify the cells, while Scenario 2 said i only want to pay a total of $30,000 in interest therefore use goal seek to establish the interest rate you would to negotiate Scenario 3 says i make a down payment of $20,000and are forced to make payments of $8,000 a month over four years , therefore use Rate function in cell I10 to figure out how much your interest payments are and then fill in the supporting data I4, I13 and I14.

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    In the last sheet in the attachment called Scenario Summary Report, i created a scenario manager for each of the three cases and the scenarios will rely on
    changes to cells C2, C3, C4 and C5, but the question wants me to create a Scenario Summary report that displays the outcomes in cells C9:C14 in a new
    worksheet, which I think i just did, then Clear the information in the “Scenario Summary” worksheet in cells
    B17:B19, and retitle cells B6:B9 and B11:B16 appropriately. Apply a Dark Red fill to B2:G3, then Now return to the “Goal Seek and Rate” sheet and use Scenario Manager to create a PivotTable report. Place this after the “Scenario Summary” worksheet. Later, remove the report filter and remove $C$9 and $C$11 from the Values field. Rename A3:E3 “Situation”, “Monthly Rate”, “Monthly Payment”, ``Total Payment`` and “Total Interest” respectively. Widen all the columns so full titles are visible. Then, Apply Percent number format to B4:B6, adding three decimal places, and acct no.
    format to C4:E6 with no decimal places. Sort the PivotTable so the “Worst Case” scenario is at the top. Apply a Dark Red fill to A3:E3
    Last edited by MysJee; 11-15-2014 at 04:02 AM.

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    I got F14 and F4 using the Goal seek function as stated in my question to use in order to modify cell C12, C4, F12,F4

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function


    Try this attached file.

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    Quote Originally Posted by pistulka View Post
    Attachment 359027
    Try this attached file.
    What do you mean "try this"?

    All I see are fully-formed amortization schedules.

    In any case, since this seems unrelated to the problem in your original posting, if you want some kind of help with this, I suggest that you start a new discussion.

    But be sure to improve your new posting, making it clear what help you seek.

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    I did not see that there was an attachment with the post.

    I did see "In the first scenario, you only have $8,000 available as a monthly payment; use Goal Seek to see how months it will take to pay off the loan. Format this value using two decimal places".

    I was simply trying to show that goal seek was not necessary for solving for how long it takes to pay off a loan.

    No!!, I don't need your help.

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    Re: Goal Seek and Rate Function

    Quote Originally Posted by pistulka View Post
    I was simply trying to show that goal seek was not necessary for solving for how long it takes to pay off a loan. No!!, I don't need your help.
    Sorry, my bad! I thought MysJee posted that one, too. Just wasn't paying attention.

    As for not needing Goal Seek, I already pointed that out in response #28. To which MysJee noted that the assignment requires that she use Goal Seek. See response #30.

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