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Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

  1. #1
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    Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    Hello all I am new to this forum and have never posted to any EXCEL forum before.

    I have a workbook I am working on that is going to be over my head for what I want it to do.

    I attached a sample of what I am trying to do for reference.

    Here is what I am wanting this workbook to accomplish:

    I need to be able to update the master sheet with all new sales info that will then automatically update the corresponding sheets for each employee.

    This update will require adding new rows and/or columns every day that will automatically be added to the corresponding employee sheet and total.

    The next step with these sheets is to have the commission increase at different total sales amounts so basically the more you sell the higher your commission.

    I also want to be able to lock employees out of the master sheet and other employee sheets so they cannot view others commissions but can view or modify their own sheet.

    I am extremely new to Macros to the point I don't even know how to create one so please treat me as a beginner if you go that route.

    Thank you in advance for your help!

    Sales and commission tracker.xlsx

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    This has sat for quite a time with no replies... So, (at the risk of exposing my ignorance) can I make some suggestions/ask some questions...

    What is the difference between the data on the individual employee sheets and the master sheet? The master sheet seems to be EXACTLY the same as the individual sheets, except that everyone is there, one after the other. Do you really need all of the data on the Master sheet?

    The formatting of your data makes it very difficult to come up with a future-proof solution. You're going to be adding rows here and there all the time. that'll make setting formulae a nightmare.

    So... do you really need the master sheet to be a simple regurgitation of what's on the individual sheets, or is some level of summary possible/workable? Also, can we muck around with your data layout to make it easier to work with (see a possible alternative on sheet Employee 1)?
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    Re: Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    I am open to any options at this point.

    I need to be able to update each employee individually on the master sheet and have it auto update there personal sheet.

    The data can be arranged however it needs to be.

    Thank you!

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    OK. I'll be back to you in the UK morning, assuming no-one else has got you sorted out by then. It's time to eat here....

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    Re: Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    Great thanks!

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    Excel IS worse than crack cocaine...

    I'd try something like this.

    On Sheet 2, assemble your list of Employees and product lines. If there are more than 20 employees, copy the formula in the pale green box on Master further down and the same for product lines (if > 20). On the Master sheet, I'd just enter new lines as and when they occur, not worrying about the order in which they're entered.

    Normally, I'd use a Pivot Table to do the summaries, but there is a reason why I decided to suggest SUMIF instead. As you add data to the Master List, the formulae on the Employee sheets do their stuff. This can be SLOW. So, I've set the calculation option to MANUAL. Once you've finished updating the Master List, hit F9 to update everything. (if you also had pivot tales you'd have to hit F9 and then refresh the Pivot. It's easier to remember one thing than two...).

    To add a new employee, first add their name in Sheet 2 column A. Then right click on the TAB name of any employee and select "move or copy" click "create a copy" and "move to end". Change the name of the newly created sheet to that of the new employee. Then, select the name of the new employee from the dropdown Box (Cell A1) in the newly created sheet, and hit F9 to update and away it goes... Try adding a new employee and add a line or two for them on the Master sheet...

    If you like the basic idea, the next step is to think about the summary data needed and protecting cells from being accidentally changed.

    Finally, the formulae in the Employee sheets that do the sorting are array formulae. These need to be set using CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER. That will add the curly braces ( { and } ) around the formulas and make them work (don't type them yourself). Finally - don't add/subtract rows on the Master sheet between Row 1 and Row 6. It won't work if you do. If you MUST change them, let me know first & I'll tell you what you need to do...

    There will be something I've forgotten to add, so I'm sure you'll find some teething problems. If it hadn't been pouring here today, I might not have done quite as much...
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  7. #7
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    Re: Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    Thank you so much! I will play around with it today and let you know.

  8. #8
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    OK, just whenever you get a chance...

  9. #9
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    Re: Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    Multiple sheets Test.xlsx

    I attached the sheet I have modified and added the list on sheet 2 I need added to the rest of the sheets as a drop down. Do you see any issues when I sort theses by date or product? Also how hard will it be to create sales graphs off these sheets?


  10. #10
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    Re: Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    It works great by the way just fine tuning it so we can pull the pertinent data when we need it.

  11. #11
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    Hi. I'm out and about for a while. I'll get back to you ASAP.

  12. #12
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    A couple of thoughts for you:

    Your data on the Employee worksheets will not sort because the values in the cells are drawn from the Master Sheet. If you want the data in order, sort the Master Sheet.
    I suggest a slightly different version of the formula on the Employee worksheets. Enter in A4, copy across and down:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    The titles on each of the worksheets in rows 1 and 2 would be better if you didn't Merge and Center. Use format cells, Alignment, Center Across Selection. This will eliminate problems with merged cells.
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    Ron W

  13. #13
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    The next final version. I've taken NDM's suggestions on board and tweaked it a bit further. See what you think... What sort of sales graphs did you have in mind?
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  14. #14
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    Re: Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    Thank you for the new version! I would like to go back through the last few years sales and enter in all the items sold to build a graph showing sales over time per employee for each item. Im looking for patterns, closing ratios, and each persons strengths.

    Thank you for all your help!

  15. #15
    Valued Forum Contributor PeteABC123's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    I stumbled onto this thread; bringing to mind a vba method for this that I've had for some time.. It will require some tweaking, but with some dilligence it might pay off.
    At first glance, you'll need to move your employee numbers to col A. In the VBA module, modify the source fields from A11:D to include the range of columns you'll need on each sheet. Hope this helps.



  16. #16
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    Olympiapools, if you want any help with assembing some graphs, do come back and ask. Equally, if you run into any snags with the sheet, just shout.

    If that takes care of your original question, please select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED, and (preferably) say thanks to all those who helped by clicking the Add Reputation button at the foot of their post(s).


  17. #17
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    Re: Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    Sorry everyone was out of town for a few days! The sheet works great I made a few tweaks to it and added some columns to track. I know nothing about VBA's.... Would it calculate faster? Other than the slow calculation it works great! Thank you!

    Do I have to start another thread about the graphs for this sheet?

    I want to have a bar graph or pie chart that shows each person's sales for a month by item they sold and then their annual sales by item. This will be used in sales meetings to show strengths that each person has so we can help them in the areas they need it. Im also inputting 4 years worth of sales into this sheet so we can use it for charting sales history on each item.

    Thank you again for all your help!

  18. #18
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Sheets that need to update off master sheet HELP!

    Best to close this one down & start another one...

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