I'm a newbie here, and I'm hoping someone might be able to at least point me in the right direction. I'm trying to figure out the best approach to obtain a set of data, and then merge them together so that I could view the monthly report, and also combine them and observe them collectively. I've got a 2010 Excel step by step book, but I don't even know where to begin. I'm hoping that if I let you know the information I'm looking for, you could at least help me find a starting point. Here my situation:

1. I've got 4 divisions that I monitor.
2. There are between 4 to 5 staff within each division.
3. Each staff member would be responsible for completing a monthly report. I want to be able to view their report individually, but also be able to combine them with the others in their division to combine all of the information together. That way, I'll be able to view the division numbers as a whole.
4. I would then like the ability to combine all 4 divisions together and view combined data on everything.

This is where it may get a little tricky. The data I'm seeking isn't necessarily just calculations or monetary information. But, I'm hoping you can help. Some of the information I'm seeking includes:
1. My staff member's information
2. Employees they supervise by name
3. Employees work location (for example, 5260)
4. The hire date of the employee
5. The date the employee was "cut loose" to work on their own
6. The current workload of that employee (example, 75)

I'm trying to be able to track employee progress from hire date through the date they are "cut loose" on their own. I would be able to identify trends in certain areas, and even trends by division (4). That way, I would know where I need to focus my efforts on improving things. I hope this makes sense?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Some other info that may help. I do have a central server that I could "house" the working document. I'm not sure if that would be the best route to go. There are some instances where one of my staff may not be able to access the server and would have to complete their report offline and submit it via email. I know I could then go in and manually enter (hopefully copy and paste)?