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Conditional Formatting - Upcoming Dates and Blanks

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Conditional Formatting - Upcoming Dates and Blanks


    I'm trying to configure an "and" statement within conditional formatting - I think.

    I have a number of upcoming "jobs", all down column A. For each job, there are a number of "tasks", all across line 3. When a task for each job is completed, I simply put an x in the corresponding box.

    My jobs all have a different start dates, and as of right now I have the estimated start date in column C. When the upcoming job starts within in 2 weeks, it highlights the cell orange using =AND(C4-TODAY()>=0,C4-TODAY()<=14). When a job has started, it highlights the cell red using =C4<TODAY().

    Is there any way I can double-conditional format, where if a job is coming up within two weeks and some of the tasks for that job have not been completed, it will highlight that cell? Same with once a job has started. Thank you very much.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Conditional Formatting - Upcoming Dates and Blanks

    you can add another AND() with the cells ="" or <>"X"

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  3. #3
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    Re: Conditional Formatting - Upcoming Dates and Blanks

    I have tried using that but it doesn't work. Maybe I'm not putting it in the correct place? Please advise.
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    Last edited by susstu; 10-29-2014 at 03:24 PM.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Conditional Formatting - Upcoming Dates and Blanks

    what do you want to do about the X
    count them ALL and highlight if any tasks are not complete

    can you explain the full rules please

  5. #5
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    Re: Conditional Formatting - Upcoming Dates and Blanks

    The object is to see what tasks still need to be done on the jobs that are starting in the next two weeks, and what hasn't been done yet on the jobs that have already started.

    I currently have conditional formatting for the start dates to show if they are upcoming within 2 weeks or have started, but I want to highlight the blank cells respective to those dates. I don't want all the blank cells in the whole sheet to be highlighted, just the ones corresponding with the jobs starting within two weeks. Let me know if this is unclear.

  6. #6
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Conditional Formatting - Upcoming Dates and Blanks

    so we are onlyinterested in thejobs that have started or are in 2 weeks
    =AND(C4-TODAY()>=0,C4-TODAY()<=14). When a job has started, it highlights the cell red using =C4<TODAY().

    so we could use those rules

    =OR ( AND($C4-TODAY()>=0,$C4-TODAY()<=14) , $C4<TODAY() )

    and ADD


    =AND( OR( AND($C4-TODAY()>=0,$C4-TODAY()<=14) , $C4<TODAY() ) , D4 ="")

    probably can simplify this down - BUT just using your logic so far

    see attached
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  7. #7
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Conditional Formatting - Upcoming Dates and Blanks

    I have simplified to this

    =AND($C4<=TODAY()+14, D4="")

    see attached
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