Hi all,
I am using the below formula to achieve the result of Networkdays which include the weekends. And if the leave is other than Annual, I just need to get total days between start date and end date. This is working fine but in one row it is giving the wrong result, the row C36=Sick, D36=start date (9/13/2014), E36=end date (10/27/2014), the result in F36=14 which actually should be 45. When I check the result in formula bar with f9 key it is showing the correct number 45 but in the cell it is showing 14, what could be the reason?
=IF([Leave Type]="Annual",([@[End Date]]-[@[Start Date]])+1-NETWORKDAYS.INTL([@[Start Date]],[@[End Date]],7)+NETWORKDAYS.INTL([@[Start Date]],[@[End Date]],7,Holidays),[@[End Date]]-[@[Start Date]]+1)
=IF([Leave Type]="Annual",([@[End Date]]-[@[Start Date]])+1-NETWORKDAYS.INTL([@[Start Date]],[@[End Date]],7)+NETWORKDAYS.INTL([@[Start Date]],[@[End Date]],7,Holidays),45)