I am working on (what will be) a very large data set. I need to be able to sort the data horizontally depending on different criteria, eg. the sector they work in, the positions they have had in the past etc. I also need to be able to sort it vertically depending on their name, years of experience, current city they live in etc.

Since excel is amazing, I am convinced you can do this in a proficient way. I am just too stupid to do it.

I will attach a picture of what the data basic outlay looks like (so whoever see this can get an understanding of what the template looks like). I know it is in swedish but I need to be able to sort the data data between "B" to "U" and "6"-"11". What is important is that "6"-"11" will contain info from one person and I expect the same info from another 500 will be added below. Any ideas and recommendation are highly appreciated.


Thanks and let me know if I need tp provide more info,