I log onto FedEx.com daily and get reports for two different FedEx accounts. There are things that I do repetitively each time I pull the reports at the end of the day. They are all very simple tasks, like formatting and rearranging the columns, etc. Is there any way I can program Excel to run these tasks automatically?

Here is what the spreadsheet looks like.

Tracking number: Service: FedEx Freight Service Guarantees: Your reference: Company:
777711112222 Priority Overnight N/A 10.13 - 525682, 525694 ABC
777711113333 FedEx 2Day A.M. N/A 10.13 - 88143, 91757 XYZ
777711114444 Priority Overnight N/A 10.13 - 525668, 525669 JKL
777711115555 Priority Overnight N/A 10.13 - 525696 MNO
777711116666 FedEx 2Day A.M. N/A 10.13 - 525695 GHI
777711117777 Priority Overnight N/A 10.13 - 525700 DEF
777711118888 FedEx 2Day A.M. N/A 10.13 - 525703 WXY
777711119999 FedEx 2Day A.M. N/A 10.13 - 88127 RST
777711110000 Priority Overnight N/A 10.13 - 88122 QRS
777711121111 Priority Overnight N/A 10.13 - 525103 BCD
777711123333 Priority Overnight N/A 10.13 - 525705 TUV
777711124444 Priority Overnight N/A 10.13 - 525708 VWX
777711125555 Priority Overnight N/A 10.13 - 525711 FGH
777711126666 FedEx 2Day A.M. N/A 10.13 - 525712 LMN
777711127777 FedEx 2Day A.M. N/A 10.13 - 88140 ABC123
777711128888 Priority Overnight N/A 10.13 - 88139 DEF123
777711129999 Priority Overnight N/A 10.13 - 88135 GHI123
777711120001 Priority Overnight N/A 10.13 - 525709 JKL123
777711130000 Priority Overnight N/A 10.13 - 525666 MNO123

I'm not sure why the columns aren't aligned here, but you get the picture, I hope.

I do the following, in this order:
1. Delete column titled "FedEx Freight Service Guarantees" (I don't import this column, it automatically shows up, and I don't need it.)
2. Cut and insert "Company" column over to Column B
3. Sort list by Service
4. Color fields (30% gray) of tracking numbers for any service that is not Priority Overnight
5. Sort list again, this time by Company name
6. Insert a column to the left of Tracking number (after coloring fields, because new cell takes on color of cell to the left)
7. Insert a column to the left of Service (this column remains blank, as it's my check column when invoice comes in)
8. In Column A (to the left of the first Tracking number), I enter the number 1, and continue counting to get a count of shipments
9. I select top row, make all column headings bold and then do some surgery--I remove the colon. ; )
10. I add a new row to the top of the list and add current day and date and some text: Tuesday, 10.14.2014 - FedEx
11. I format new row to be BOLD, 18 points and centered between the four columns
12. At the bottom row, beneath last shipment, I either copy and paste new top row (to copy formatting), or use the format paintbrush, and type in the word "TOTAL:" and put in the number of shipments being sent that evening.

Whew! I think that's everything! They are all minor tasks, not VERY time consuming, but it would be awesome if I can get all (or most) of these tasks done in one fell swoop. I do this daily.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
