In the attached file I am having a problem picking up the proper values. It seems to work for the first value but does not copy down correctly.
Jim O
In the attached file I am having a problem picking up the proper values. It seems to work for the first value but does not copy down correctly.
Jim O
Last edited by JO505; 10-10-2014 at 05:07 PM.
Your reference to ROW($C3) in the formulas in row 3 needs to be ROW($C$3).
.....also, it won't affect the result but if you are using IFERROR, you don't need the first IF, so this will work
Audere est facere
To be fair though, DLL, given a choice it's much more efficient to choose the set-up with the IF clause over the IFERROR one.
Perhaps there's not much difference given a dataset of just a hundred rows, but nevertheless in general...
Seeing as you already have that helper column, you could modify the formula a bit and then use that to pull teh data and eliminate the ARRAY formulas. I used F to make sure we were getting the same results.
Then J3:O3...
All copied down
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I like that formula.
Thanks for that and thanks to all for the input and time.
Jim O
You are welcomeDepending on the amount of data being used, ARRAY formulas can tend to start slowing things down if used excessively
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