Thanks for the reply. I'm not familiar at all with pivot tables but I've seen them mentioned quite a bit. Just haven't had the time to learn about them. I'm not sure if the first worksheet I attached had all the drop downs I wanted so I added them and attached again. This is the way I want it to work. It kind of works but not really. Probably not the right way about it. In sheet 1 I have the drop downs for the different categories working fine. But using Hlookup on the second sheet in row I, I have I1 dependent on sheet 1 A5. If I change sheet 1, A5 to a different category then it correctly gives the proper drop down lists below. However, the other sections further down also reference those items connected to the category selected in A5. Example is if you select Category 2 in sheet 1, A5 you will get the proper drop down lists of Category 2 items. But if you select Category 4 in sheet 1, A24 you will also get the category items for Category 2 since sheet 2, I1 is referencing the specific cell A5 in sheet 1.
Sorry so long and hope I didn't confuse. It's hard to explain when you don't know what you're doing!
thanks again