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Data Validation for multiple worksheets

  1. #1
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    Data Validation for multiple worksheets

    Hi All,

    I have a workbook ("attached") that has a name column on (4) worksheets. They are identified as (1st Qtr, 2nd Qtr, 3rd Qtr, and 4th Qtr) respectively. The data validation pulls from a list on the worksheet titled (DATA). For some reason, I continually lose this validation. There are two solutions I am seeking.

    1st Solution: To have data validation enabled on the worksheets mentioned above (1st thu 4th Qtrs) in the "Employee Name" columns. The "validation list" is located on the ("DATA") worksheet, and the list itself is titled (Union Reps).

    2nd Solution: At times we lose or gain a Union Rep. Therefore, I need to create a validation that is easy to manipulate. After this workbook is completed, it will be distributed to others across the country that haven't the expertise to interpret such things as validation and how it works. So I was hoping to create a list that you could simply click (Add Union Rep) or (Delete Union Rep), and the validation drop down would recognize the newer list, without having to manually revise the list on the ("DATA") worksheet.

    3rd Solution: You will notice on the bottom of worksheets (1st Qtr through 4th Qtr), that I have a "SumIf" formula that is looking at the name of the employee (aka....Union Rep) to determine how many hours were utilized for the column heading it is placed under. As example, you will see on bottom of the worksheet (1st Qtr), the first name is Alfred Fonseca. To the right of this name you will see a Sumif for all corresponding columns. What I am needing on this, is that now we are looking at (2) areas of consideration. First you have the drop down validation in the "Employee Name" column on the top of the worksheet. This is where you enter their hours to the right of their names. Then you have the names below this area that have the sumif formulas to the right. So when the validation changes, (i.e., an employee has been added or deleted), this section needs to be equivalent to what you see at the top of the worksheet. To add, if you look at the worksheet ("Rep Hours"), you will see that the formulas are looking for the name (from) the corresponding worksheet. Overall there are (5) worksheets containing the names of these employees, which are (1st thru 4th Qtr worksheets + Rep Hours worksheet). So every name on the 1st thru 4th qtr, and the Rep Hours worksheet, need to be consistent.

    If you can make any sense of this, I certainly look forward to any input you folks may have for this lost soul. Any questions, feel free in asking. I will respond fairly rapidly, as I am off today and Monday (10-13-14). Otherwise, I will catch you in the evenings after work. Many thanks!!

    **Note: All PII (Personally Identifiable Information) has been removed. The names are fictitious.

  2. #2
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    Re: Data Validation for multiple worksheets

    After looking at the quarterly worksheets, (at the bottom) of these worksheets, I wanted to add that the names (do not) have to be in the same order as you see above in the same worksheet. So if you enter John Doe in cell (A13), that name does not have to be the same as cell (E82), because the sumif formula is simply seeking hour totals for "any" name placed there. However, this list of of employees in cells (E82:E138) need to be consistent with the list of employees used in data validation. Hope this helps. Thanks!!

  3. #3
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Data Validation for multiple worksheets

    See the attached updated workbook. I've converted the list to a Structured Table and use that in the Data Validation.

    Regards, TMS
    Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant

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  4. #4
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Data Validation for multiple worksheets

    Hi, welcome to the forum

    Not sure is this is what you want for part 1 (way too much to read lol), but to apply DV to a sheet based on teh data from another sheet...
    in 2010 onwards
    1. select the range to apply DV to
    2. click Data/data Tools/Data Validation. Select List and point to the range on the other sheet.

    for 2007 and earlier
    1. highlight the rep name range (add a few extra rows for new names)
    2. give that range a name - rt-click into the range, select Name A Range, and give it a name (I used Repnames)
    3. select the range to apply DV to
    4. click Data/data Tools/Data Validation. Select List and in Source, enter =INDIRECT("RepNames")

    Hope this gets you started?
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  5. #5
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    Re: Data Validation for multiple worksheets

    Thanks TMS, I can see where I can add a name to this validation list via your indirect, and it will populate in the validation list effectively. Unfortunately however, when you go to the 1st Qtr worksheet and enter a name in cell (E49) that was added to this validation list, it is not effective in the section at the bottom of the worksheet. In a perfect world, this added name would end up in cell (E118) on this worksheet. You see, what I am trying to work here is simplicity for the user. I am sure you have ran into a couple here and there that know nothing about adding names to a validation, etc. Think about it, they have to add a name to the list on the DATA sheet, then they would have to go to all other sheets and add that name manually. However, we got 50% of the way through your help, so thanks for that.

  6. #6
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    Re: Data Validation for multiple worksheets

    Hi FDibbins, I can type fast, sorry. The workbook itself is somewhat simple in design, however, on the back end there are so many intricate details that require consideration. As stated to TMS, I am designing this to be used by "many" others in the agency, so when they get it, they have two major tasks to be considered. First is to go to the proper quarterly worksheet, enter the employee name (via validation), and then when their region adds or deletes an employee, they need to have a (simplistic) approach to doing so. When they execute that particular task, they should only have to go to one area to do so, rather than having to go to all sheets to enter changes manually. Thanks for your input however, and thank you for your assistance as well.

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    Re: Data Validation for multiple worksheets

    Sorry TMS, Somehow my delete key removed the word "great" after the word (your) at the end of my message. I really do appreciate your earlier efforts. I will keep hen pecking on this until I get it. Normally, it's something simple I overlooked HOURS ago. Thanks again!

  8. #8
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Data Validation for multiple worksheets

    When they execute that particular task, they should only have to go to one area to do so, rather than having to go to all sheets to enter changes manually
    Perhaps you misunderstood (or I did)?

    The user would update the DV list with new names, and thats it. They dont need to change anything on any other sheets. They just enter the names from teh DV list as with any other entries

  9. #9
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    Re: Data Validation for multiple worksheets

    Well not exactly....and now that I read my past comment, I didn't steer my ship straight. When I started talking about the user having "one" place to go to, in order to make additions or deletions of employees, which is stored in the validation list on the DATA sheet, I failed to mention "where". My bad, sorry. I have the worksheet titled "MASTER", and that sheet is still in the thought process, as I know nothing on charts whatsoever, and I don't like the layout. It is on the 'MASTER' sheet where I was hoping to aim the user. So when they open the workbook to begin entering union representative hours, they do so on the selected quarterly worksheet. If they need to add or delete a union rep, they need to select the MASTER sheet and have some sort of method of doing so. Maybe the validation list needs to go to the MASTER? They could manipulate the data there, but I would be concerned with the amount of space that would take, as it's already overcrowded. At any rate, that is where the user enters or removes employees, and they need to be in first name order A-Z. So (2) worksheets they need to be on, MASTER and their respective Quarter. Thanks for getting back, and putting forth your efforts! I'll keep plugging at it. To be honest, this forum is chalked full of great assistance. I should visit more often. Thanks again. Dan

  10. #10
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Data Validation for multiple worksheets

    It looks like you add Union Reps to the list on the DATA sheet.

    Use this formula to copy the entries across.

    Formula: copy to clipboard
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    and copy down.

    Regards, TMS

  11. #11
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    Re: Data Validation for multiple worksheets

    Thanks TMS, worked fine! Question, is there a way to remove my uploaded file from the Forum?

  12. #12
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    Re: Data Validation for multiple worksheets

    Sorry, I meant to say the file you uploaded of mine. thanks

  13. #13
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Data Validation for multiple worksheets

    If you require it, I can remove those files for you. Keep in mind though, that some of the replies may refer to a file, and without the file, the reply may be meaningless for other members who might have a similar question

  14. #14
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Data Validation for multiple worksheets

    I have removed the file.

    Regards, TMS

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