Hello all,
Newbie here looking for help. I am looking for help setting up an excel sheet to create groups based on peoples preference.
A little background, I have a friend that is a summer camp director. One of her responsibilities is creating groups for each cabin each week and many kids request to be with friends and many have multiple friend requests. Typically there are 240 kids per week and 24 cabins (10 campers/cabin). As you can imagine juggling all of these requests can be very time consuming and there is always an upset kid or parent because someone didn't get with someone else...you get the point. I am looking for help to create these groups that optimize matches if the kids are allowed to request cabin mates. I think if the requests are limited to one request per camper it would simplify things but on the other hand allowing up to three cabin mate requests would allow for more flexibility? The next (more complicated step) would be all of this weighted on preference of cabin mates, i.e. on the application it might read "list requested cabin mates in order of preference 1-3", The last part may be me just over-complicating things.
Thanks in advance for any help!